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Main Revision The four great inventions paper gunpowder The four great inventions compass Point to \at… 指向 printing 毕昇.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Revision The four great inventions paper gunpowder The four great inventions compass Point to \at… 指向 printing 毕昇."— Presentation transcript:


2 Main Revision

3 The four great inventions paper

4 gunpowder The four great inventions compass Point to \at… 指向 printing 毕昇

5 The important parts of the computer Monitor (Provide … on a screen) Keyboard (Put …into) mouse (Point at the screen)

6 Printer Print information Connect … to … modem 连接

7 Menu Show information

8 The computer is put together monitor keyboard mouse printer modem

9 Can you find the right use of the parts? B Showing a list of information and letting you choose what to do Putting information into the computer Connecting a computer to a telephone line Pointing at different parts of a screen. Printing information Providing information on a screen A The keyboard The menu The mouse The printer The modem The monitor

10 What are they talking about? where was Laura’s computer made?

11 Listen again with your book.


13 1.Rose’s computer 2. Laura’s new computer 3.Laura’s father Laura ________________to Rose, but Rose ______________, because_____________ has sent an email hasn’t received it (Something is wrong with her computer.) Last week… \ in her home \ by Laura’s father He isn’t a___________________but _____________. He _________________________. computer engineer a computer fan knows a lot about computers it doesn’t work

14 Language points : That’s good news. I hope I can make my own computer that way someday. News 不可数名词( Un.) 消息新闻 1.The news makes him excited. 2. No news …. 是好消息 someday means : A day in the future. 有朝一日, 将来哪一天 We are going to be old one day.

15 More language points 1. It doesn’t work 2.How could it be made in your home? 3. My father put the parts together 4.That’s how the computer was made in my home Find these the sentences in the dialogue and put into Chinese:

16 Oral practice: How did his father make a computer in his home? Two ways to discuss ( 主动) Father bought … …was bought… (被动) …Put the parts.. …make…

17 Mrs Clark took her telephone set into a shop. Two weeks later,it ______ still not ________(repair). She _____(begin) to ______(make) phone calls every day to see when it would be ready, and _________(tell) each time that it would be only a few weeks later,after another two weeks, Mrs. Clark _____(get) very angry, and she _________(decide) to let the shop know how much she missed her TV set. Reading the passage, then filling the blanks wasrepaired beganmake was told got decided



20 Monitor Provide information on a screen

21 KeyboardKeyboard Putting information into the computer

22 MouseMouse point at different parts of a screen.

23 MenuMenu Showing a list of information and letting you choose what to do

24 PrintPrint Printing information


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