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1 Blueflag

2 Sample answer theme Theme is the message the writer wants us to get from the poem. The theme for “Blueflag” is that parents words have a powerful impact. This idea is portrayed in the poem through the lie the parent tells a child: she says a flower is poisonous. The power of the parents comment is demonstrated in the fact that the speaker still fears the flower. In fact she says she still expects “to be struck dead by the flowers magic”. It’s interesting to consider whether the parent realizes the magnitude of the things they say.

3 Blueflag

4 Blueflag Journal Entry #15
In a paragraph, talk about the biggest lie you have ever told. Explain the lie, to whom you lied, and if you got caught. Were there consequences? In a second paragraph, discuss 2 reasons why people lie. Tell if it ever okay to lie. What does it say about one’s personality if they lie very easily?

5 Blueflag 1. Write an example of simile from the poem. What does it add to the poem? 2. Why does the mom lie to her daughter? Is this okay? 3. Define imagery and give two examples as found in the poem. 4. Why is the speaker confused? What impact or influence does a parent have on a child? What can the result of this be?

6 Sample answer #3 Imagery refers to writing that appeals to the five senses. The poem Blueflag contains several effective examples of imagery. One quality example of imagery is found in the line “butterblob center. Another note worthy example of imagery is found in the line “smooth as soap”. In the poem the author uses at least two different types of imagery: visual and tactile. This variety adds to the overall quality of the poem.

7 Sample answer # 4 At some point in time most parents lie to their children. In stanza three, the child tries to figure out why a plant that’s poisonous to her does not affect other little bugs that live around the same plant. This represents the lie that her mother told her. The fact is, that even the smallest of lies that a parent tells can stay with a child for a long time. Furthermore, when that child becomes an adult they rarely forget the little white lies their parents told them. The key is that parents must realize the power of their connection with their child and that this lasts forever.

8 Sample #4 851 The fact is everybody lies, even parents. The speaker in the poem is confused because her mom has told her a lie about a flower being poisonous. Some lies that parents tell stay with the child forever, even when that child eventually becomes an adult. The speaker in the poem still fears the blueflag. Parents need to be aware that their actions and words stay with their children forever. With such power comes extreme responsibility.

9 Sample #3 851 Imagery is writing that appeals to the five senses. One example of imagery is found in stanza 2: “pink and smooth as soap”. Another example of imagery found in the same stanza is: “butterblob centres”. Both of these examples show a variety of imagery as the first example is tactile and while the second is visual.

10 Sample answer theme 851 Theme is the message in a piece of writing. A possible theme for “Blueflag” is the power and connection between the parents and their kids. This connection is shown through the lie the mom tells her child. She says that the flower is poisonous and her child wonders if this is true. Eventually when the daughter is an adult herself she does pick the Blueflag which is suppose to be poisonous- it obviously isn’t. The daughter though still fears and expects “to be struck dead by the flower’s magic”. It’s odd how a small lie told by a parent can affect a person forever. That is power and parents need to be aware of theirs.

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