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Kensington and parts of west Kinsgford PAMP Workshop: 22 nd June 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Kensington and parts of west Kinsgford PAMP Workshop: 22 nd June 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kensington and parts of west Kinsgford PAMP Workshop: 22 nd June 2010

2 Agenda Introduction Study area Workshop Purpose PAMP Study Progress Discussion Main pedestrian routes Key issues Key locations Route discussion Key improvements Closing remarks

3 Introduction PAMPs - RTA initiative started in 1998 PAMPs - consideration of all road user needs, including pedestrians Very little planning for pedestrians undertaken before the PAMPs initiative Different approaches for different Council areas

4 Aim of PAMP To coordinate funding and implementation of pedestrian investments. To improve planning for pedestrian safety, amenity, access and mobility To improve: Coherence Directness Safety Attractiveness Equity

5 Methodology We are here

6 Focus Group Workshop Opportunity for participants and relevant agencies to contribute to the preparation of the Plan Facilitate the exchange of information Increase the information base for the Kensington and parts of west Kingsford PAMP development Discuss strategic directions of the PAMP Identify issues and locations of concerns

7 Objectives Plan to improve facilities for pedestrians Reduce severance Improve accessibility to all pedestrian Integrate the pedestrian network and public transport links Consider land use changes in pedestrian planning Facilitate walking as a transport mode Further Council’s obligation under DDA

8 Study Area The study area focuses on the Kensington and west Kingsford area. As outlined in the Brief, the study area is bound by Todman Avenue and Alison Road to the north, Anzac Parade to the east, Gardeners Road to the south and South Dowling Street and Tunstall Avenue to the west.

9 Data Review Kensington/ Kingsford Traffic Impact Assessment, 2009 West Ward Disability Access Study, 2007 Recreational Needs Study, 2008

10 Pedestrian accident data 2004 - 2008 4 fatal accidents 67 injuries Fatalities were recorded at: Day Avenue Anzac Parade Alison Road Tressider Avenue

11 Generators and Attractors UNSW Primary, High Schools and TAFE Retail and restaurant uses along Anzac Parade Bus routes Community Facilities Parks; Places of worship

12 Questionnaire Online questionnaire 91 online submissions received In general, the questions focussed on What are the travel patterns of residents in the area? Where are the major problem locations? What facilities and where could be upgraded to improve pedestrian safety, access and mobility?







19 Draft PAMP Network The high and low priority routes were established by examining the following factors: the location of pedestrian accidents hazardous locations identified through the community consultation process key pedestrian routes identified through the community consultation process the location of pedestrian generators and attractors; and path nature.


21 Discussion What are the main pedestrian routes in the study area? Where are the hazardous locations within the main pedestrian routes? Why? What issues do you feel are relevant to pedestrian access and mobility within those areas? High or low priority routes? Deficiencies along the identified routes? Any other comments? 21

22 Pedestrian Network Audit Checklist Accessible paths of travel Major intersections Pedestrian crossings Fixtures/furniture - seating, bus stops, rubbish bins Barriers to pedestrian movement Pedestrian volume estimates General comments 22

23 Final PAMP Five to ten year works schedule for pedestrian facilities Route network and prioritisation Policy direction for Council Implementation of the PAMP Ongoing communications between Council and other agencies 23

24 Kensington and parts of west Kinsgford PAMP Workshop: 22 nd June 2010

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