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Phases of the French Revolution “Moderate Phase” of the National Assembly – Establishes a Constitutional Monarchy “Radical Phase”-escalating violence leads.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases of the French Revolution “Moderate Phase” of the National Assembly – Establishes a Constitutional Monarchy “Radical Phase”-escalating violence leads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phases of the French Revolution “Moderate Phase” of the National Assembly – Establishes a Constitutional Monarchy “Radical Phase”-escalating violence leads to end of the monarchy & Reign of Terror “The Directory”-Reaction Against Extremism “Age of Napoleon”

2 “The Great Fear” Accompanied rising bread prices & shortages Prompted by rumors of government acting against the peasants, seizing crops- attacking villages. Peasants became angry, defiant towards nobility – Set fire to manors – Raided grain storehouses

3 Paris Commune Paris-epicenter of the revolution Factions competed for power & influence Marquis de Lafayette: head of national guard, leader of middle class, opposed royal troops in Paris Paris Commune: replaced city’s royalist government –A–Ability to organize protest and violent action –R–Radical ideas spread under the Commune

4 The National Assembly Abolishes Feudal policies End Nobles’ privileges: But… Created equality of all male citizens before the law (reflection of Enlightenment ideals) Declaration of the Rights of Man: –I–Insists that government exist to protect the Natural Rights of citizens (Locke) –A–All men had equal right to hold public office –F–Fair taxes –F–Freedom of religion Basic idea: Gov’t is there to protect, not be an overlord!

5 King Louis XVI Returns to Paris 6,000 women march from Paris to Versailles Demand to see King Anger at Marie Antoinette –O–Opposed reforms while living life of privilege Force King Louis XVI and his family to move back to Paris –E–Easier for people to voice their grievances

6 Effects of the National Assembly French Catholic Church is put under state control (Civil Constitution of the Clergy) This is HUGE!!! – Ended papal authority – Dissolved convents & monasteries – Caused division between liberal revolutionaries in Paris and conservative French peasants Limited Monarchy replaces Absolute Monarchy –L–Lawmakers were elected by tax paying male citizens *The New Constitutional Monarchy: –1–1. took away Church power –2–2. gave power to the people –3–3. provided more equality By the way, the Church hates this!

7 The Monarchy is Abolished France was being defeated in conflicts abroad August 10, 1792: Parisians storm Royal Palace, slaughtered guards –R–Royal Family flees “September Massacre” –C–Citizens attack prisons holding political dissidents Radicals take control of Assembly in Paris; call for new National Convention (body of elected officials) September 1792 –M–Most radical legislature ever in France –A–Abolished monarchy –E–Established a republic –S–Seized noble lands –A–Abolished noble titles Suffrage = right to vote was extended to all male, French citizens, not only land owners Executions: Viewed as Traitors (tied to “Old Order”) –K–King Louis XVI –M–Marie Antoinette

8 Terror & Danger Grip France France was @ war with much of Europe (Britain, Spain, The Netherlands and Prussia) Sans culottes in Paris = demanded an end to food shortages & inflation, also demanded a republic with elected officials The Committee of Public Safety: – Designed to deal with threats to France – Absolute power to save the Revolution – Required all citizens to contribute to war effort Results: peasant revolts are crushed, military begins to win abroad in Europe

9 Robespierre “The Incorruptible” Lawyer/Politician responsible for battling counterrevolutionaries Leader of the Committee of Public Safety Thought will of the masses should be reflected in public law Promoted religious toleration and wanted to end slavery Thought criminals should be dealt with severely Architect of the “Reign of Terror” = hasty trials resulting in beheadings in public

10 “The Directory”-Reaction Against Extremism 1.Upon Robespierre’s demise, a new Constitution is written! 2.This the 3 rd of the Revolution! 3.A 5 man Directory is set up. 2 Legislative Houses accompany. 4.Dominated by the bourgeoisie, holds power for 4 years. 5.Is weak, and dictatorial. Has to cope with war, bread riots and overall discontent. Leadership is lacking. 6.Many who had left during the Terror, now return. Many are former supporters of the Constitutional monarchy, and devout Catholics. 7.As chaos begins again, many of Directory turn to military hero Napoleon Bonaparte. They think they can use him to restore order. Of course, THEY ARE WRONG!

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