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Early cinema 1890s - 1913 1890s Edison’s Kinetoscope 1895-1905 Lumières Late 1890s Méliès makes first films 1902 - Melies’s Trip to the Moon 1904 -1912.

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Presentation on theme: "Early cinema 1890s - 1913 1890s Edison’s Kinetoscope 1895-1905 Lumières Late 1890s Méliès makes first films 1902 - Melies’s Trip to the Moon 1904 -1912."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early cinema 1890s - 1913 1890s Edison’s Kinetoscope 1895-1905 Lumières Late 1890s Méliès makes first films 1902 - Melies’s Trip to the Moon 1904 -1912 experiments with narrative By about 1913 - narrative system established

2 Some popular types of early films Actualities, Travel logs Stories based upon current events Blue Movies & Pornography for Peep shows Trick films Gag or physical humor films

3 Méliès - Interested in appearance and disappearance - The ability of cinema to make things visible/invisible - Used camera like a magic trick -Films play with presence and absence -Also, thematize technology and machine- produce images

4 Méliès - Subversion of natural order of things, materiality, -Upsets hierarchies of nature, physics, gender, class -Irreverent stance towards science -Mocks/quotes travel logs, actualities

5 Méliès vs the Lumières The magician The documenters Fantasy/ Sci-FiRealism Mise-en-scene Photographic base TrickeryRecording life special fx Creative Purely manipulationobservational -deforming the real-respect for the real

6 The Shot

7 Diegesis = the total world of the film’s story

8 Diegetic vs. Non-Diegetic

9 On-Screen Space and Off-Screen Space

10 Méliès vs. The Lumière Bros.

11 AUTARKY or UNICITY of the frame

12 Non-Centered Quality of the Image

13 Camera Distance (almost always a medium-long shot)

14 Non-closure and a Fundamental Non-linearity


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