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Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited) Hallmark Software Testbed (Hallmark-ST) Architecture to Enable Space Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited) Hallmark Software Testbed (Hallmark-ST) Architecture to Enable Space Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited) Hallmark Software Testbed (Hallmark-ST) Architecture to Enable Space Enterprise Command and Control Lt Col Jeremy Raley, Ph.D. Program Manager DARPA/TTO Hallmark-ST BAA Overview and Q&A Session 6 July 2016

2 Thank you for attending Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited) This published BAA supersedes anything that may be discussed today. 40/listing.html When in doubt, refer to the BAA.

3 Space Enterprise Command and Control (SEC2) DARPA is seeking to develop a testbed for measuring, understanding, and integrating the complete spectrum of systems and capabilities to ensure stability, security, and U.S. operational dominance in space Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited) Hallmark-ST is seeking to design and develop an integrating enterprise software architecture as well as provide a Space Enterprise Analysis Capability (SEAC).

4 Hallmark-ST Role in Full Program Process Hallmark-ST aims to become the backbone that permits tool development and experimentation Hallmark-ST architecture would permit rapid tool development and quantified experiments The testbed is designed to expedite the creation of a comprehensive set of new and improved technologies Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited) Hallmark-ST – This BAA Hallmark-TCEM – Upcoming BAA

5 Hallmark-ST Objectives 5 The goal is a comprehensive and effective set of space command and control (C2) capability technologies that can be spiraled into the Joint Space Operations Center and/or the Joint Inter-Agency Combined Space Operations Center Architecture Develop scalable and flexible service-oriented enterprise architecture for integrating space C2 tools and capabilities Application program interfaces (API) Hallmark-ST integration guide Space Enterprise and Analysis Capability (SEAC) Integration of tools, capabilities, and data Execution of tests and scenario-based exercises Ontology for space enterprise operations Inform the data model Part of BAA response The API, Hallmark-ST integration guide, a draft Hallmark ontology and data model will be delivered by the performers within six months of authority to proceed. Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

6 Architecture Traits Would Permit Co-development of Capabilities 6 “Hallmark-ST Integration Guide” document is a deliverable designed to ensure software and system/capability providers can be easily integrated with Hallmark-ST Successful proposals should address: Secure enterprise architecture design Implications of federated architecture approaches Applications of foundational architectures to space C2 functional task elements Specification of application programming interfaces (APIs) Data format specifications Data repository design and implementation Concrete strategy for the speedy and effective integration of space C2 tools, capabilities, and mixed-mode data Anticipated tools and capabilities to be integrated in Hallmark-ST include: Space situational awareness Indications and warning Modeling and simulation Course of action generation Decision/action determination Damage assessment Hallmark-ST proposers should address the anticipated integration of the tools and capabilities by other contractors selected by other means Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

7 Planned Three-Month Cycles MONTH 1MONTH 2MONTH 3 Mid-Cycle Review Cycle Kickoff Larger Hallmark team-designed development “sprints” Hallmark-ST performer responsibilities: Design and schedule Hallmark improvements Execute SEAC improvements Develop integration plan for this cycle’s tools Work with Tool team & Demo and Eval team to design evaluation event Vignette Defined After-Action Report Lessons learned Next cycle planning Demo / Eval Event Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

8 A Successful Proposal Should: Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria, listed in descending order Overall scientific and technical merit Potential contribution and relevance to the DARPA mission Cost realism Proposer's capabilities and/or related experience Integration “The proposal should address API, and ontology, and data model development experiences and what processes and technologies enable rapid release.” Data Model “Proposals should explain how this data model will evolve along with the Hallmark space ontology and will conserve resources in terms of maintenance costs and data sharing.” 17 elements in requested technical information within the BAA Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

9 Hallmark Phase 1, 2, 3 Planned Schedule Key near term Milestones Proposers responses BAA due by August 15, 2016 DARPA will provide response to NLT September 30, 2016 Hallmark schedule seeks to provides transitional capability in FY2020 – permitting an enduring capability to support operational R&D development Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

10 Will Possess these key developer attributes Address the bulleted list from BAA of success criteria Describe how the architecture will facilitate easy tool integration Emphasize a tool integration plan as implemented in the Hallmark-ST integration guide Will Not Address cognitive engineering Propose the evaluation of demonstration events Propose specific tool applications Propose an O&M-laden architecture that cannot sustain flexibility, scalability, or extensibility Effective Proposals Will/Will Not: Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

11 Question and Answer Session Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

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