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Agnes Nyitrai & Judit Podráczky Kaposvár University, Hungary ERPA International Congresses on Education 4-7 June 2015. Athens.

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Presentation on theme: "Agnes Nyitrai & Judit Podráczky Kaposvár University, Hungary ERPA International Congresses on Education 4-7 June 2015. Athens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agnes Nyitrai & Judit Podráczky Kaposvár University, Hungary ERPA International Congresses on Education 4-7 June 2015. Athens

2  SIGNALS: Strengthening Activity-Oriented Interaction and Growth in the Early Years and Transitions project within the COMENIUS sub-programmes of the EU Lifelong-Learning Programme  It is co-ordinated by the University of Cologne  The Hungarian consortium-partner is: General Directorate of Social Affairs and Child Protection  Kaposvár University has been taking part in the realisation of the project

3 The main targets of the EU-project are the following:  Supporting early-childhood pedagogues, kindergarten- pedagogues and parents in building positive child-adult relationship that will enhance development;  Strengthening the communicative competences of parents and pedagogues working with the 1-8 year-old children (early-childhood pedagogues, kindergarten-pedagogues, primary school teachers);  Presenting „Exemplary Co-operative Educational Practices” among all actors. The targets of Kaposvár University are:  To design methodological programmes for the early childhood pedagogues and kindergarten pedagogues for developing  Their own competences for supporting literacy development of children,  Parent competences which enhance literacy development.

4 Infant toddler centre Kindergarten  Since 1852  0-3 years of age  Not compulsory  14 % of the age group in the centres (not enough places)  Regulation: social affairs (protection of children)  Central regulation (by law)  12-14 children per group  Since 1828  3-6 (7) years of age  Compulsory from 5 years of age (beginning on the 1st of September 2015 from 3 years of age)  Regulation: public education  Central regulation (by law)  13-25 children per group

5  Emergent literacy: “growing into” written culture in pre- school period with:  Storytelling and picture book reading  Imitating writing and reading in play (in role play)  Experiences in daily activities with parents / adults  Storytelling and picture-book reading in the family have a key role in the development of children  The different socio-cultural situations of families imply significant differences in the literary environment surrounding children  The children with good literacy-environment (storytelling every day, having own picture-books, etc.) have + 1,5 year in development at the time of school-start   the compensation of related disadvantages is an essential task of institutional education

6  There have been significant changes regarding attitudes to co- operation with parents (at international level, too)  Strengthening of parents' competences is one of the most important tasks of pedagogues  they must have special competences to do it well, too  Although steps have been taken to form partnerships, pedagogues often think that parents are not interested enough while parents think pedagogues do not give them enough feedback and help  Parental involvement depends on the children's age: pedagogues and parents must rely more on each other at younger ages of children and this is the best time for forming a partnership

7 Aims:  To design a programme aimed at improving parent competences for supporting literacy development   To map pedagogues' and parents' opinions, attitudes and experiences about story-telling, picture books, etc. Methods: focus-group interviews and semi-structured individual interviews Sample:  30 early childhood pedagogues (5 infant toddler centres, about 294 children)  30 kindergarten pedagogues (2 kindergartens, about 306 children)

8 1. Children's attitudes to tales, storytelling, books in infant toddler centre and in kindergarten. 2. Storytelling habits at home, trends and changes. 3. Supporting parents involvement, possibilities for co- operation, promotion, mutual reflection regarding storytelling. 4. The place and the role of storytelling in the work of the education staff, their competences, strengths and weaknesses

9 Infant toddler centre Kindergarten  Often tv instead of picture- book or storytelling  Early childhood pedagogues didn’t see any picture books in the families’ home  2 years old child has got an own tablet  Parents read stories to develop children's skills  Some positive experiences, e.g.: parent has old books from own childhood  Varied picture: storytelling takes place often, rarely or never (in families)  Books are rarely given to children (as a present), and sometimes with the aim of supporting development  „trendy tales”  Intimacy between parents and children isn't as important as it was before

10 Infant toddler centre Kindergarten  Families have strong influence on attitudes to storytelling of children: more storytelling at home, better understanding  Mothers have a strong influence on it  Puppets are very important for small children  Positive attitudes to storytelling have been forming step by step  Using books must be learnt  Children like storytelling, but they less and less can listen to it  They like picture book reading with pedagogue together  They rarely bring books from home  The pedagogues have positive experiences in library visiting  The media-tales are often present during the play of children  pedagogues' opinion: it is not positive

11 Infant toddler centreKindergarten  Parents would like to know text of nursery rhymes  Pedagogues recommend often picture books to parents, but they don't know whether the parents take their advise  Common storytelling with parents and children  ambivalent experiences  Interactive storytelling with parents  it wasn't successful  There were drama plays on parents evening  first there was aversion against it  Parents talk to pedagogues only in situations with difficulties

12 Infant toddler centreKindergarten  Pedagogues feel they are alone in this  They need some professional support, but it is very hard, because of there aren't enough money for further training  It would be very useful to make some collection of stories  A book written of „Storytelling in nursery” would be good  Pedagogues don't really know the contemporary literature for children  They would have consultation with HUNRA (Hungarian Reading Society)  They recommend books, tales, etc. to each other  They don‚t really know the new animation films for children (it depends on, how old are their own children)

13 Infant toddler centre N= 54 opinions Kindergarten N= 52 opinions

14 Infant toddler centre N= 6 opinions Kindergarten N= 22 opinions

15 In field of study:  We would like to study of the pedagogues' parent image, we regard these as a major determining factor of the relationship with parents and with children In field of methodological development:  Developing a continuing educational project which could help to optimize the relationship with parents / families and to form attitudes in connection with parents, and focus on differentiated methods to involve parents and concrete action plans.  Programmes for pedagogues for developing their own competences for supporting literacy development of children

16 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Agnes Nyitrai & Judit Podráczky

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