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Lab Report Psychology 210 Lab Assignment Due Week of November 26th.

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1 Lab Report Psychology 210 Lab Assignment Due Week of November 26th

2 Overview: -Complete an APA Lab Report, numbering and answering provided questions in each of these sections: 1)Intro 2)Method (Subjects, Materials, Procedure) 3)Results 4)Discussion Must also include a Title Page, References, and Figures

3 Format and Questions  All of the questions, as well as a template of an APA Lab Report, are available on my website and on Moodle 

4 Sources  To help you answer the questions, you must use both of these sources:  Your Textbook (Chapter 7, on Pavlov)  You can arrange to borrow mine, if you do not own one  Linked notes from my website  Note: Do Not use your own Lecture Notes

5 Intro  Asks questions concerning:  Why our experiment was done  What the components of our experiment were  What was expected for each manipulation (and why) (*See Lab Report link on my site for exact questions*)

6 Method  Asks questions concerning:  Subjects (animal used and how many)  Where and how the ‘CC’ program was accessed  What values were entered into the program

7 Results  Asks questions concerning:  Which manipulation of each component was optimal for both acquisition and extinction  Must refer to your Figures in this section  For Acq, looking for line that rises fastest and reaches highest level  For Ext, looking for line that descends slowest, stays highest after 50 trials  Note: It is possible your Results will be different from what the sources suggest. The program does not always generate expected data.

8 Discussion  Asks questions concerning:  Whether your Results matched your predictions  The best parameters for Classical Conditioning  Limitations of this experiment  Real-life applications/implications

9 APA Format  The template provided on my website is formatted in APA, so you can follow it as a guide  The Psych Dept. APA manual is linked on my site as well

10 Some Rules to Follow 1)Do NOT use Quotations 2)Make sure everything is in your own words 3)Cite and Reference properly 4)Do not use personal pronouns (“I”, “We”, etc.) 5)Do not include Lists or Tables (unless instructed to) 6)Write in Times New Roman, Size 12, Double-spaced 7)Number pages, starting with Title Pg, Top Right Corner 8)Headings and Formatting should appear as in the Template *You may print double-sided pages for this assignment*

11 Citations  Directions for how to cite properly are included in the template Textbook:  At end of sentence: “…(Last Name & Last Name, Year).”  Within sentence: “Shown by Last Name and Last Name (Year)…” Lecture Notes from my Website:  (I. LastName, Personal Communication, Date, Year) *Failure to cite properly is a form of plagiarism*

12 References  Correct format is provided in template  Book: LastName, I. & LastName, I. (Year). Title with only first word capitalized. Place of publication: Publisher. **You do not reference a Personal Communication as they do not have a permanent source. So, do not reference the Lecture Notes (just cite them).

13 Figures  Each figure should be formatted in APA, and have its own page  Give each one a Figure Caption underneath  They should not have a Title above the figure  Should appear in order 1-8  Should appear in the order they are referred to in your Results sections  (In other words they should be arranged in the order we did them in Lab)

14 Remaining Labs:  Designed so you can finish this assignment using only (or mostly) class time rather than your own  Today: Begin working on Assignment or catch up  Next Week: In Lab- Work on Assignment  Week of Nov. 19th: Optional Lab  Week of Nov. 26 th : No Lab. Pass in Report at Annex.

15 Submitting the Report  Due before 4pm, on or before the due date: 210L:11: Due Monday, Nov. 26 th 210L:12: Due Wednesday, Nov. 28 th 210L:13: Due Monday, 26 th  Submit either to the Lab Drop Box (main hall of the Annex), or to me directly, if I’m in my office (114F Annex) Note: 5 pt deduction for each day late, including weekends. If you submit late to the drop box, either get it time-stamped, or email me an electronic copy as soon as you drop it off.

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