Phases, Eclipses, & Tides  The moon is Earth’s closest neighbor out in space at 384,400 kilometers out in space or 30 Earths lined up in a row.  The.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases, Eclipses, & Tides  The moon is Earth’s closest neighbor out in space at 384,400 kilometers out in space or 30 Earths lined up in a row.  The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phases, Eclipses, & Tides  The moon is Earth’s closest neighbor out in space at 384,400 kilometers out in space or 30 Earths lined up in a row.  The moon revolves around the Earth as the Earth revolves around the sun. ★ The positions of the moon, Earth, & the sun cause the phases of the moon, eclipses, and tides.

2 Motions of the Moon: As the moon revolves around the Earth it rotates on its own axis; its orbit similar to Earth’s as a flat oval, tilted at about 7˚. The moon takes about 27.3 days to orbit around the Earth; it also takes 27.3 days to complete one revolution on its own axis causing a moon “day” & a moon “year” to be the same length of time. The moon & Earth have synchronous rotation, meaning the same side of the moon always faces Earth. The “far side” of the moon always faces away from Earth & is never seen.

3 Phases of the Moon: The moon does not produce its own light, instead it reflects the light from the sun. The moon has 8 phases and goes through the whole set once a month, or 29.5 days. What Causes Phases? ★ The phase of the moon you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces Earth.

4 The Cycles of the Phases: From one full moon to the next it takes about 29.5 days. The 8 phases of the moon in order are: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent.

5 Eclipses ★ When the moon’s shadow hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the moon, an eclipse occurs. There are 2 types of eclipses: solar (sun) eclipse & lunar (moon) eclipse. The type of eclipse is named for what is being blocked from Earth. Total solar eclipseTotal lunar eclipse

6 Solar Eclipse The umbra is the darkest and smallest part of the shadow & is cone shaped (total darkness). The penumbra is the largest part of the shadow (partial darkness). Total Solar Eclipse: ○ Only people in the umbra experience a total solar eclipse. Partial Solar Eclipse: ○ In the penumbra, people only see a partial eclipse; since part of the sun is still visible, it is not safe to look directly at the eclipse.

7 Lunar Eclipse During a full moon the Earth blocks the sun’s light from reaching the moon making the moon look dark from Earth. Total Lunar Eclipse ○ When the moon is in the Earth’s umbra, there is a total lunar eclipse Partial Lunar Eclipse ○ The moon passes partly into the umbra of the Earth’s shadow.

8 The Tide Cycle The moon’s gravity pulls Earth’s water toward itself and away from 2 opposite places, creating low tides. All 4 tides rotate in a 25 hour cycle.

9 Spring & Neap Tides Spring tides occur twice a month, one at full moon & one at new moon. The combined force of the sun & moons gravity make a tide with the most intense high & low tide. Neap tides happen 2 times a month, one at first quarter moon & one at third quarter moon. The sun & Earth are at right angles and creates tides with the least intense difference between high & low. (It’s like a tug-of-war between the moon and sun).

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