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Preparing for probation in the Social Sciences and Arts Dr Susie West March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for probation in the Social Sciences and Arts Dr Susie West March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for probation in the Social Sciences and Arts Dr Susie West March 2015

2 Aims and objectives of this session Purpose and value of the Probationary Assessment Ways to prepare for the Probationary Assessment How to move on from the Probationary Assessment

3 Why? first, before How? ‘how’ is defined within the relevant VRE section; there is a long form… ‘why’ is more useful for thinking about what you should be contributing and what other people are looking for in this process

4 What is the Probation process? Just that: a process, based on a series of actions and events: some writing and some talking/listening Your one-stop shop is the VRE: Forms > P for Probation > read the Guidance section Submit a structured report; document your skills and training activities; present your research to a seminar or conference audience; meet your probation panel of two Social Sciences or Arts academics

5 What is the PA for? Gatekeeping function for registration upgrade from M.Phil to PhD. Quality assurance And more…as we move on to the value of the PA

6 Do I need to be scared?

7 What is the value of the PA? 1) the structured report A viable research question A critical literature review which situates the proposed research A research proposal, including an outline of proposed method(s), a critical justification for them, and where appropriate, preliminary data and analysis; A work plan for the project with a detailed timetable of dates for completion of component parts and thesis submission.

8 2) Document your skills and training activities Activity: What is the value of doing this?

9 3) Present your research Opportunities in the first year fte of your research Value to you of doing this?

10 4) The probation panel meeting Structured discussion of your written submission Two friendly academics, hand-picked by your supervisors Value to you?

11 The probation process should help… Activity: Summarize three things that you want to get out of the probation process, apart from passing…

12 That structured report in detail Viable research question A critical literature review which situates the proposed research A research proposal, including an outline of proposed method(s), a critical justification for them, and where appropriate, preliminary data and analysis; A work plan for the project with a detailed timetable of dates for completion of component parts and thesis submission.

13 Critical literature review Shonil’s session on becoming a professional researcher Paul’s session on critical thinking and justifying your research What are you going to do next as a result?

14 Research proposal Arts and Social Sciences assume that standard methods and approaches will be taken for granted ‘behind’ your data retrieval Be explicit if you are doing something uncommon (e.g. methods from different discipline) and justify Be clear where a method is particularly important or being applied innovatively Explain your work, don’t just describe

15 In the meeting ‘mini viva’ or ‘upgrade panel’ One supervisor observes and makes notes You bring your documents with you Two academics offer comments and questions They complete a short report afterwards as part of the single Probationary Assessment form Options for passing and improving…

16 After the PA Writing as a recursive process Potter ed. p. 115 Your PA is a snapshot and thus time-specific Framework for managing change Literature review will mature Research questions will refine Methods may expand Analysis will deepen You will find your own voice

17 Top tips Project management is half the battle We want you to succeed Chapters 6 and 7 in Doing Postgraduate Research, S. Potter ed, really do have useful things in them! Go back and check your understanding

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