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Evolution. Evolution: The process of change over time. There are natural variations in all populations. As climate changes occur, and as pressures in.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution. Evolution: The process of change over time. There are natural variations in all populations. As climate changes occur, and as pressures in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution

2 Evolution: The process of change over time. There are natural variations in all populations. As climate changes occur, and as pressures in terms of food, space, shelter and predation occur, some variations allow a species to survive. The members who survive, reproduce causing the change to become a characteristic of the species.

3 Speciation: Separation into new species. Geographic isolation can cause two different natural variations to become prominent causing 2 separate species. Reproductive isolation can have the same effect.

4 What is extinction and what causes it? A population is extinct when the last of that species is dead. Example: There are no more dinosaurs. What happened? Their habitat was destroyed. When they no longer have what they need to live, they die.

5 Fossils T hese are imprints or remains of living things. I n undisturbed layers of sedimentary rock, the deeper it is, the older it is. G ive us information about extinct species.

6 Homologous vs. Analogous Structures Homologous means they have the same origin, but may be different now. Example, the upper arm bones in dogs, cows, cats and monkeys. Analogous means they have the same function but come from different origins. Example, bird wings and wings of bats.

7 Homologous Structures

8 Vestigial Structures Structures that are reduced in size they are no longer functioning

9 Embryology All vertebrates start off very similar in their development.

10 Taxonomy

11 Classifying Organisms Taxonomy – the science of classifying and grouping organisms. Binomial Nomenclature – naming organisms using a two-part name. – First word is the Genus (always capitalized) – Second word is the Species (lower case)

12 Classifications Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species King Phillip Came Over From Greece Sneezing Largest Smallest

13 6 Kingdoms Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

14 Eubacteria & Archaebacteria Includes all prokaryotes Most are unicellular Microscopic Eubacteria are found everywhere Archaebacteria live without oxygen; found in extreme habitats (salt lakes, swamps)

15 Bacteria are classified based on their shape – Spherical – Rod-shaped – Spiral

16 Kingdom Protista Eukaryotic Unicellular & Multicellular Most diverse group of all the kingdoms Found mainly in moist environments Ex: amoebas

17 Kingdom Fungi Eukaryotic Unicellular & Multicellular Many are decomposers Ex: mushrooms

18 Kingdom Plantae Multicelluar Eukaryotes Perform Photosynthesis Autotrophs or Producers Stationary (cannot move around) Have cell walls

19 Kingdom Animalia Multicellular Eukaryotes Consumers or Heterotrophs Mobile – can move from place to place No cell walls Have tissues that are organized into organs and organ systems

20 Learning Check #1Which is the largest classification of organisms? A.SpeciesB.Genus C.FamilyD.Order #2How are bacteria classified? D According to their shape

21 49 Which of these classifications is most specific? A Family B Genus C Phylum D Order Answer: B

22 8 Some bacteria benefit mammals by helping with — F growth G defense H digestion J respiration Kingdom Bacteria has beneficial and harmful members The best answer here is H, since digestion systems of mammals contain bacteria. Bacteria found in the respiratory system usually result in illness, which would trigger the defenses, not help them.

23 The bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis produce protein crystals that are toxic to the digestive system of insects. How can these bacteria be used to control insects in crops? FApply the bacteria to growing plants. GExpose the bacteria to low levels of light. HRemove plants from areas containing the bacteria JTreat the bacteria with a solution of the protein crystals Answer: F

24 12 The bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, is most closely related to the — F spotted chorus frog, Pseudacris clarki G Asian flying frog, Polypedates leucomystax H northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens J African bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus

25 Related in biological terms means family, genus, species. F spotted chorus frog, Pseudacris clarki G Asian flying frog, Polypedates leucomystax H northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens J African bullfrog, Pyxicephalus adspersus Genus is always a capital letter, species is lower case. Most closely related would be in the same genus, Rana. ANSWER? H

26 TAK Obj. 02 TEKS B.8C C

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