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The Sinuses With Facial And Nasal. Things to know 3 views for Sinuses 3 views for nasal 1 for facial.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sinuses With Facial And Nasal. Things to know 3 views for Sinuses 3 views for nasal 1 for facial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sinuses With Facial And Nasal

2 Things to know 3 views for Sinuses 3 views for nasal 1 for facial

3 Sinsuses 3 views, Lateral, PA Caldwell, Waters 8 x10 lengthwise Hold breath Collimate Marker shield

4 Lateral Patient erect or supine Place the lateral side of head against IR Oblique patient’s body as needed for true lateral Align interpupillary line perpendicular to IR Adjust chin so IOML is perpendicular to IR

5 CR Midway between EAM and Outer Canthus SID 40 collimate to sinuses

6 Seen on Film All Four sinuses No rotation Superimposed rami, orbital roofs, greater wings of Sphenoid Nonrotated sella turcica

7 PA CALDWELL Patient is erect with face toward IR Place patients nose and forehead against IR The OML should be 15 degree from horizontal Align mid-plane to mid-plane No rotation or tilt

8 CR to exit Nasion SID 40 Collimate

9 Seen on film Frontal sinuses No rotation as seen by equal distance from lateral orbits to lateral skull margins

10 Waters Patient is facing the same as Caldwell Except place chin and nose against IR MML perpendicular to IR OML should form a 37 degree angle No rotation no tilts

11 CR to exit acanthion SID 40 Collimate

12 Seen on film The maxillary sinuses

13 The Nasal BONES All three views are the same positioning The main difference is collimation and CR for lateral Same cassette sizes

14 Lateral Nasal Position as for lateral sinuses

15 CR ½ inch inferior to nasion SID 40 Collimate

16 Seen Nasal bones with soft tissue nasal structures Nasal spine Frontonasal suture

17 Facial 1 View 8 x 10 crosswise Collimate mark Shield Hold Breath

18 Positioning Place the patient with his back facing IR and about a foot away from IR Raise the chin and hyperextend the neck until the infraorbitomeatal line parallel with IR. mid-plane to mid-plane No rotation

19 CR midway between arches SID 40 collimate

20 Seen Zygomatic arches Arches centered on film

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