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Is Obesity a Disease? By: Ella Young. Hello, I am Ella Young ● I specifically choose this topic out of the choices because I feel that it is such an issue.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Obesity a Disease? By: Ella Young. Hello, I am Ella Young ● I specifically choose this topic out of the choices because I feel that it is such an issue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Obesity a Disease? By: Ella Young

2 Hello, I am Ella Young ● I specifically choose this topic out of the choices because I feel that it is such an issue in the United States. I had questions about obesity that I wanted to research and find out the answers too. ● I also would love to help the solution to reducing obesity in our world today!

3 My Initial Point of View ● When I first picked this topic, my belief was that obesity was not a disease. ● I believed that it was caused from over eating, and no exercise. ● One of my questions: Was there a chance that it could be gene related?

4 The Issue ● The main issue was deciding if obesity was a disease or not. Both sides of the argument had their own issues. ● Each side of the argument had their personal opinions, and their valid points.

5 The CON side ● For those on the CON side the strictly believe that it is a disease and needs attention. A clinical professor, Louis Aronne claims that “Obesity meets all accepted criteria of a medical disease, including a known etiology, recognized signs and symptoms, and a range of structural and functional changes that culminate in pathologic consequences” “Obesity is one of the most frequent and serious metabolic disease” statement from Jose Caro, who is the preseident of Global diabetes care.

6 The PRO Side ● The PRO side believed that obesity is not a disease, that it was the individuals choice and it could be prevented. ● As Max Pemberton stated in his article he says “It's not a disease, it's a mindset—and that means it can be changed.” ● So as you can see side of the argument sees obesity as one's fault, not that they are sick!

7 My Assumption ● I assume that after reading articles from both sides I believe that obesity is a disease and that an individuals lifestyle can cause obesity to be more present in one person more than an other. ● With that being said there are things from each side I agree with.

8 Supporting my Point of View ● When I read Antonio Rene's article my view changed because of what he said. “ It meets the medical definition of disease in that it is a physiological dysfunction of the human organism with environmental, genetic and endocrinological aetiologie.” ● He used medical terminology that proved in a scientific way his opinion.

9 Different Positions ● Lots of people believe that obesity is because of a persons eating habits. One who eats unhealthy, greasy, and fast foods will be obese rather than someone who eats healthy. Same thing as someone who works out vs. someone who does not. ● Just as David Katz believes. “In the case of food, if you eat too much of it for too long, then you get fat”

10 Counter Argument ● I believe that when Richard Gunderman said that “If obesity truly is a disease, then over 78 million adults and 12 million children in America just got classified as sick... Everyone has friends and acquaintances who now qualify as diseased.” He was trying to make a connection with the reader to make them emotionally involved to try to persuade his readers to believe his side of the argument. ● I don't believe that is a strong argument because it is just stating numbers and that there is that many sick people, it has no valid information.

11 My Sources ● The people that I collect my evidence from are all valid resources. They all have experience in the field, and a high amount of education that supports their knowledge they have on the topic.

12 My Own Conclusion ● Obesity is a disease and that is my final decision on what side of the argument I lie on. ● I predict that obesity is not going to decrease any time soon.

13 Recommendations ● Since it is a disease a recommendation I have would be to eat healthy and exercise because that is one thing that you do have control over. ● However, once you lose the weight “ More than 90% of people who lose weight eventually regain it. ● So it is a process that never ends!

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