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Space Restoration of the “Old Library” at Gondour University The Gondour Learning Hub:

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Presentation on theme: "Space Restoration of the “Old Library” at Gondour University The Gondour Learning Hub:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Restoration of the “Old Library” at Gondour University The Gondour Learning Hub:

2 I. What is the Gondour Learning Hub? II. Rationale III. Enhancement of User-Centric Services areas IV. Enhancement of Library Learning Services V. Enhancement of e-Resources collection and discovery

3 I. Informal learning space II. The hub to hang out rather than the traditional library space III. All electronic/digital resources - no paper! IV. Partnership with other units to provide learning services

4  The change of learning style  Gen Y; Millennial  Advancement of technology  Variety of resources formats  High dependence of technology  The need to have a multifunctional space to accommodate different needs  A catalyst for change for the “Old Library”

5  Budget  Staff  Architect  Learning specialists  IT infrastructure & specialist

6 PREPARATION Collect feedback from community PLANNING The committee involved: Architect (building design) IT specialist Learning Support Unit Librarian Student rep. Academic Staff rep. EXECUTION - Develop a brand new Learning Support Department E-resources specialist/manager Operation specialist/manager Outreach specialist/manager Subject specialist/manager Humanities, business, Social sciences, architecture, journalism Sciences, engineering, medicine

7 Collect feedback from community PREPARATION Architect (building design) IT specialist Learning Support Unit Librarian Student rep. Academic Staff rep. PLANNING E-resources specialist/manager Operation specialist/manager Outreach specialist/manager Subject specialist/manager Humanities, sciences, business, Social sciences, architecture, journalism Engineering, medicine EXECUTION Develop a brand new Learning Support Department

8 Quiet area – open & carrels Open discussion for large discussion Closed discussion for group discussion Computer labs Seminar area with partitions Can convert into other rooms Flexible open space (free-style common reading area; with bean bags and all) Talent showcase (Self-Expression stage) Exhibition or display area Chat room – to take phone calls zoning areas to address different needs: For educational, collaboration and relaxation  IT; Library; Learning

9 Chat room


11  Subject librarian  Advisory services to assist in in depth information services  New technology devices loan services for Information Literacy (IL)  E.g Kindle, iPad, tablet, laptop etc  User education  IL programme  Credit bearing/co-curricular  Peer-learning facility  Facility for senior students to assist the juniors  dc

12 Advisory services to assist in in depth information services Subject librarian E.g Kindle, iPad, tablet, laptop etc New technology devices loan services for IL IL programme Credit bearing/co- curricular User education Facility for senior students to assist the juniors Peer-learning facility PLUS:  Engagement with students:  Competition/campaign/activity/award

13  Gate count (before & after)  Participants’ feedback from ILP  Word of mouth  Statistics:  Enquiry statistics (f2f, emails, phonecalls, social media)  Loan statistics of IT equipment (kindle, tab etc)  E-resources usage statistics  Statistics of facilities booking  Conduct a study/research by collaborating with faculty/academics to compare the quality of research skills (e.g references/resources; writing style) used in students’ papers

14 ! 14 t hank t hank You

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