Keep your own score! Tally the ones you get correct. Make note of anything that you struggle with.

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Presentation on theme: "Keep your own score! Tally the ones you get correct. Make note of anything that you struggle with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep your own score! Tally the ones you get correct. Make note of anything that you struggle with.

2 A light year is a unit of: A.Time B.Distance C.Brightness D.Speed

3 B. Distance

4 What is the measure of distance from the Sun to the Earth?

5 Astronomical Unit (AU)

6 Inner or Outer Planets? Has many moons

7 Outer

8 Solid Surface Inner or Outer Planets?

9 Inner

10 What are loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles whose orbits are usually very long, narrow ellipses?

11 Comets

12 Composed of gas and has rings Inner or Outer Planets?

13 Outer

14 What is a Meteoroid in Earth’s atmosphere?

15 Meteor

16 Put the layers of the Sun in order from the center outward! Corona Core Chromosphere Radiation Zone Convection Zone Photosphere

17 Core Radiation Zone Convection Zone Photosphere Chromosphere Corona

18 Longer period of revolution Inner or Outer Planets?

19 Outer

20 What is a chunk of rock or dust in space made from comets or asteroids?

21 Meteoroid

22 Small and dense Inner or Outer Planets?

23 Inner

24 The Astroid Belt is located between what two planets?

25 Mars and Jupiter

26 Strong gravitational pull Inner or Outer Planets?

27 Outer

28 Where is the Oort Cloud located?

29 It is a spherical region of comets that surround the solar system.

30 “Terrestrial” Inner or Outer Planets?

31 Inner

32 Name the planets in order starting from the closest to the sun.

33 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

34 When a Meteoroid hits Earth’s surface, what is it called?

35 Meteorite

36 Sirius is 8.6 light years away. How long does it take light to travel from this star to Earth?

37 8.6 years

38 Tool used to measure mass

39 Balance

40 Units used when measuring weight

41 Newtons

42 How are the Earth and Sun positioned when it is winter in Franklin, MA? Label the axis of the Earth.


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