Foldables on greetings: Pick up 3 sheets of construction paper Fold them according to model on the table Label it: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien, gracias.

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Presentation on theme: "Foldables on greetings: Pick up 3 sheets of construction paper Fold them according to model on the table Label it: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien, gracias."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foldables on greetings: Pick up 3 sheets of construction paper Fold them according to model on the table Label it: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo… Mucho gusto. Hasta luego. Translate – write the translation on the inside of each flap ¡Cinco Minutos!

2 Fecha de hoy Hoy es jueves, el 13 (trece) de agosto de 2009

3 TSW illustrate Spanish alphabet knowledge by modeling and listening to alphabet sounds. Objetivo

4 Topic: El alfabeto – The Spanish Alphabet Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set (5-10 minutes) : Foldable on greetings – Spanish and English Teacher Instruction/Input/Modeling (20-25 minutes ): PPT presentation on the Spanish alphabet with guided notes Guided Practice and Interaction with Material(Reference # and Name of Activities from Curriculum ) (15 - 20 minutes): Dry-erase boards – listening assessment of el alfabeto Closure (5-10 minutes) : Binder organization/ classroom procedures Tarea de casa: Complete the student survey Agenda

5 El alfabeto A: a B: be C: ce CH: che D: de E: e F: efe G: ge H: hache I: i J: jota K: ka L: ele LL: elle M: eme N: ene Ñ: eñe O: o P: pe Q: cu R: ere S: ese T: te U: u V: ve W: doble uve X: equis Y: i griega Z: zeta

6 Listening ml

7 Tarea de casa Complete the student survey

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