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Distance: 295km west of Melbourne Population: 15,751 Largest Industry by jobs: Agriculture Largest Industry by GRP: Mining $225m closely followed by Agriculture.

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2 Distance: 295km west of Melbourne Population: 15,751 Largest Industry by jobs: Agriculture Largest Industry by GRP: Mining $225m closely followed by Agriculture $215m

3 VsVs We both want the similar outcomes Save $$$ Deliver efficiencies Enhance service offering A channel to interact, engage and connect with our communities / customers





8  By 2025, Glenelg and Southern Grampians will be leading examples of successful digital economies, communities and local governments in regional Australia. Digital technology will have helped to create a resilient economy, and connected community. Our councils, in partnership with businesses, the community, and services providers, have developed a healthy local digital ecosystem that embraces digital change. This will be underpinned by enhanced digital infrastructure, and by stronger digital skills in our community.

9 Access to Internet  Only 64.7% households in SGSC have Internet access. Compared to:  79.2% Melbourne  76.9% Victoria  68.4% regional Victoria Speed of Internet  SGSC slowest 30% of average ADSL speeds in regional Victoria. Digital Skills and capacity Digital pathways

10  Create opportunities and an environment where our youth can pursue career opportunities in the digital space rather than having to move away from home to study or find a job.  Entice more ‘tree changers’ to the area by providing a digitally connected environment where no matter where in the world your pay cheque comes from, you can work digitally from home in the great community environment that Southern Grampians can provide and still feel ‘connected’.  Attract greater tourism to the area using digital solutions that help us stand apart from the rest of the market. Creating safe, engaging, enjoyable experiences that can be shared with others.  Help grow our business community by providing opportunities for greater efficiencies, marketing options and reach into national and global markets.

11 As at 05/07/16

12  Land Capability Interactive Map – Onion 2050

13  Land Capability Interactive Map – Flaxseed 2050

14  Open Data As at 08/08/16

15  Smart connected community framework and strategic roadmap

16  Educational and professional development partnerships



19 Russell Bennett

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