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The Adolescent Brain. Facts: What do we know about the brain? Facts: What do we know about the brain? Adult = 3 pounds 2% of our body weight but consumes.

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Presentation on theme: "The Adolescent Brain. Facts: What do we know about the brain? Facts: What do we know about the brain? Adult = 3 pounds 2% of our body weight but consumes."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Adolescent Brain

2 Facts: What do we know about the brain? Facts: What do we know about the brain? Adult = 3 pounds 2% of our body weight but consumes 20% of our calories 70% water, it consumes 30% of the water we drink Unfolded it would measure 2 ft x 2 ft. composed of a trillion cells, 100 billion neurons

3 Facts: Parts of the Brain Facts: Parts of the Brain


5 Dr. Jay Giedd, Neuroscientist Neuroscientist at the National Institute of Health, Chief of brain imaging in the child psychiatry branch Used MRI to scan the brains of nearly 1000 healthy children ages 3-18. Between ages of birth-2 and 9-10= tremendous growth of neurons Ages 2-3 and 11+= massive pruning Teenagers are more like toddlers than adults in brain growth

6 During adolescence… use it or lose it Used connections will flourish, unused will be pruned and die. Fewer but faster connections


8 The CEO of the Brain The frontal lobes: executive decisions and moral/ethical control Development continues from back to front through early 20’s “It’s sort of unfair to expect teens to have adult levels of organizational skills or decision- making before their brains are finished being built.”- Dr. Giedd

9 Frontal Lobe Problem solving Judgment Inhibition of behavior Planning Self-monitoring Personality Emotions Organization Attention Concentration Mental flexibility Speaking Awareness of abilities Self-control “do the right thing”

10 The above composite MRI brain images show top views of the sequence of gray matter maturation over the surface of the brain. Researchers found that, overall, gray matter volume increased at earlier ages, followed by sustained loss and thinning starting around puberty, which correlates with advancing cognitive abilities. Scientists think this process reflects greater organization of the brain as it prunes redundant connections, and increases in myelin, which enhance transmission of brain messages.

11 Misread signals

12 Don’t believe everything they tell you….. Teens relied on the amygdala, associated with emotion and gut reactions MRI tests: Teens see anger when it was not intended Teens can be irrational and overly emotional

13 What about Intelligence? Intelligence and emotional maturity do not develop in the same way. Let’s look at a teenage genius…


15 During adolescence… period of high risk Drugs and alcohol can alter normal development of the brain Teens who drink are exposing their brains to the toxic effects of alcohol at a critical time of brain development, approx. 10% memory loss Hormonal rush of testosterone and estrogen causing chemical changes Image from Susan Tapert, PhD, University of California, San Diego.

16 What about adolescence and ADD/ADHD? Impulsive ADHD kids will often get into trouble The inattentive ADD kids tend to be non- compliant, have trouble remember the things, will feel “stupid” despite a above average or high intelligence “ In clinical studies, researchers confirmed that teens with ADHD were twice as likely to have abused alcohol within the past 6 months. They also found that teens with ADHD were likely to abuse drugs and three times more likely to abuse drugs other than marijuana.” ADHD teenagers are 400% more likely to have an automobile accident

17 What about unmedicated ADD/ADHD? Researchers believe that stimulant medications for ADHD increase dopamine, by strengthening the weak dopamine signals in the brain. Findings also show that drugs of abuse, such as nicotine and cocaine, temporarily increase brain dopamine activity. So that may explain why people with ADHD may have a greater risk of drug abuse.

18 Catching ZZZZZZs They need 9 ¼ hrs… They get…6-7….! The biological clock shifts in the teen years by up to 2 hours. Sleep deprivation can have a major negative effect on learning and memory! TV’s, computer monitors, and cell phones can keep adolescents from getting enough deep sleep; remove them from their rooms!

19 How does it help the TEEN to know this? Understand themselves and their behavior Allow adults around them to guide them What they do in the next 8 years makes a difference for the rest of their lives!

20 How does this information help EDUCATORS? It is a privilege to teach adolescents whose brain development is highly dictated by external influences It is a privilege to help shape the pruning during this crucial time of brain development We have the opportunity to help adolescents create good habits

21 How does it help the PARENT to know this information???

22 1. What YOU Do Matters! Good parenting continues to help teenagers *develop in healthy ways *stay out of trouble *do well in school They need for you to be a support to do the right thing!

23 2. You Can’t Be Too Loving Tell them you love them Show them you love them Give them specific and timely feedback Praise them, even if you have to dig to find it!

24 3. Stay Involved BE there! Participate in school programs, sports Help your teen with a homework schedule and to plan ahead Get to know your child’s friends and your child’s friends parents Spend time together

25 4. Adapt Your Parenting Change at each stage of development Provide opportunities for the teen to make choices as they mature Keep up with the Internet and cell phone usage, including text messaging

26 5. Set Limits Provide structure Set rules and provide limits Be firm but fair Give curfews and stick to them They have to learn to accept “no” Be the parent…they have friends.

27 6. Foster Independence It is healthy for an adolescent to push for autonomy. Give them space to grow, and resist the temptation to micromanage! teen parent Parent/child adult

28 Explain Your Decisions Explain Your Decisions Have clear and appropriate rules Be clear in your expectations Be sure to point out consequences Talk when you’re not angry Distinguish between immaturity and defiance.

29 9. Don’t give up on them! Don’t expect them to think or reason like you. Don’t “allow them to fail” classes! Help them get organized, keep up with homework, and study for tests Allow them to make mistakes…that is one way we learn best.


31 Why? Just why?.........”I don’t know.”

32 This too will pass This too will pass

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