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Nickels McHugh McHugh 11- 1 1-1 MUSOLINO Human Resource Management: Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees Employees 11 CHAPTER.

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Presentation on theme: "Nickels McHugh McHugh 11- 1 1-1 MUSOLINO Human Resource Management: Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees Employees 11 CHAPTER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nickels McHugh McHugh 11- 1 1-1 MUSOLINO Human Resource Management: Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees Employees 11 CHAPTER

2 HR Challenges  Shortages  Unskilled Workers  Undereducated Workers  Shift in Workforce Composition  Laws & Regulations  Single-Parent & Two- Income Families  Attitudes Toward Work  Continued Downsizing  Overseas Labor Pools  Customized Benefits  Employees With New Concerns  Decreased Loyalty 11- 2

3 Determining HR Needs 1. Prepare HR Inventory 2. Prepare Job Analysis  Job Description  Job Specification 3. Assess HR Demand 4. Assess HR Supply 5. Establish Strategic Plan 11- 3

4 Hiring Process  Recruit  Select  Application Form  Interview  Test  Investigate  Examine  Probation  Train/Develop  Orientation  OJT  Apprenticeship  Off-The-Job Training  Online Training  Vestibule Training  Job Simulation 11- 4

5 HR Executives’ Recruiting Preferences 11-5 Source: USA Today Note: Multiple responses allowed

6 Applicants’ Mistakes 11-6 Source: USA Today

7 Interviewing Mistakes 11-7 Source: USA Today

8 Number Interviewed to Find Quality Hire 11-8 Source: USA Today, January 24, 2005

9 Important Factors When Phrasing Interview Questions  Language  Relevance  Information Level  Complexity  Information Accessibility 11-9 Source: University of Central Arkansas

10 Training & Development  Assess Needs  Design Training  Evaluate Effectiveness 11- 10

11 Training Methods 1. Employee Orientation 2. On-The-Job 3. Apprenticeship 4. Off-The-Job 5. Online 6. Vestibule 7. Job Simulation 11- 11

12 Management Development  On-The-Job Coaching  Understudy  Job Rotation  Off-The-Job Courses & Training 11- 12

13 Performance Appraisal 1. Establish Standards 2. Communicate Standards 3. Evaluate Performance 4. Discuss Results 5. Take Corrective Action 6. Use Results to Make Decisions 11- 13

14 Employee Retention  Compensation  Individual  Team  Fringe Benefits  Job-Sharing  Flextime  Core Time  Compressed Workweek  Home-Based & Mobile Work 11- 14

15 Compensation & Benefits Program Objectives  Attract the right people  Employee incentives  Retain valued employees  Maintain competitiveness  Financial security for employees 11- 15

16 Pay Systems  Salary  Hourly wage and daywork  Piecework system  Commission plans  Bonus plans  Profit-sharing plans  Gain-sharing plans  Stock options 11- 16

17 Vacation Days Per Year 11-17

18 Scheduling To Meet Employee Needs  Flextime Plans  Home-Based & Other Mobile Work  Job-Sharing Plans 11-18

19 Number of Hours Americans Work Per Week 11-19 Source: Source: USA Today

20 Telecommuting: Affect on Career 11-20 Source: USA Today

21 Benefits of Job-Sharing  Opportunities for wanting to work only part-time  High level of enthusiasm and productivity  Reduced absenteeism and tardiness  Ability to schedule in peak demand period  Retention of experienced workers 11- 21

22 How Employers Are Becoming Flexible 11-22 Source:, April 2005

23 Benefits of Providing Flexibility 11-23 Source:, April 2005

24 Why is Retention Important?  Employee turnover could cost up to 40% of a company’s annual profits  The average company loses $1 million with the loss of every ten managerial employees  Turnover costs are 50%-100% of the ex- employees’ annual salary 11-24 Source: insala,com, April 2005

25 Top 10 Reasons Employees Stay On Their Job 1. Credit Union Membership 2. Health Benefits 3. Salary 4. Good Coworkers 5. Office Hours 6. Childcare 7. Vacation Time 8. Sick Leave 9. Distance from Home 10. Popular Company 11- 25 Source: Source:, accessed July 13, 2006

26 Employee Movement  Promotion/Reassignment  Termination  Retirement  Resignation 11-26

27 HR Laws  Civil Rights Act (1964)  Age Discrimination Act (1967)  Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972)  Affirmative Action  Reverse Discrimination  Civil Rights Act (1991)  Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)  Social Security Act (1935)  Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)  Employment Retirement Income Security Act (1974) 11- 27

28 Implementing EEOC Which statements are T/F? 1. It’s OK to ask any applicant whether he or she has an automobile. 2. It appropriate to ask applicants to attach photographs. 3. During interviews, it’s not appropriate to ask an applicant his/her age. 4. It’s appropriate to ask if an applicant is a naturalized citizen. 5. It’s not appropriate to ask an applicant about past work experience. 11-28

29 Implementing EEOC Which statements are T/F? 6. You may ask an applicant to indicate what foreign languages he/she can read, write or speak fluently. 7. It’s appropriate to ask an applicant if he/she has an arrest record. 8. It’s OK to ask whether the applicant is physically able to lift heavy weights. 9. It’s appropriate to ask women questions about their children. 10. You have the right to ask an applicant for names of work-related and personal references. 11-29

30 Companies’ Aid to Disabled Employees 11-30 Source: USA Today

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