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What Is Free Software and Open Source Software?. So, whats up here?

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Free Software and Open Source Software?. So, whats up here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Free Software and Open Source Software?

2 So, whats up here?

3 A new kid in town?

4 Yet another buzzword?

5 Sit back, relax, and listen ^-^

6 But DONT end up like this!!

7 They are both

8 Philosophy

9 And software development technique

10 Ever heard of Free Software?

11 What first come to your head

12 When you hear


14 Sorry, its not free as in free price

15 Its Free as in Freedom!

16 Gasp!.. WHAT?!

17 Yes you hear it right

18 NOT free price, but Freedom

19 Hehe.. Ok (^-^)

20 Some history lesson

21 Long long time ago But not in a galaxy far away

22 1950s, 1960s

23 Software were developed in an open manner

24 Academician, corporate researchers, collaborate on projects

25 Source codes shared

26 Software evolves through sharing

27 But as vendors and software companies grow in number

28 The culture stopped

29 Software become

30 Tightly closed secret behind doors

31 Software 'Sharing' become 'Stealing'

32 A researcher at MIT's Artificial Intelligence lab

33 Richard M Stallman a.k.a RMS

34 Sees that this should not happen

35 Thus he started the GNU Project (1984), Free Software Foundation (1985) and the concept of Free Software

36 Which basically brought us to here ^-^

37 Want the full story?

38 Or google for more!

39 Free Software Definition

40 Four Freedom!

41 Freedom #0: Freedom to run the program, for any purpose

42 Freedom #1: Freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs

43 Freedom #2: Freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor

44 Freedom #3: Freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified version in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits

45 Access to Source Code is a precondition for Freedom #3

46 How you expect to modify and improve if you don't have the Source? (^-^)

47 More details?

48 Now what is Open Source ?

49 In simple term

50 Business friendly definition of Free Software

51 Business = Money The 'free' word = uh.. oh..

52 Another history lesson

53 1998

54 Eric S. Raymond

55 Saw there was a need to clear the 'free' confusion

56 To bring Free Software to mainstream

57 Coined the term 'Open Source'

58 And started the Open Source Initiative

59 Open Source Definition

60 Criteria #0: Free redistribution

61 No restrictions! No royalty!

62 Criteria #1: Access to Source Code

63 Criteria #2: Allow creation of derived works

64 Criteria #3: No discrimination against persons or groups

65 Criteria #4: No discrimination against fields or endeavor

66 Can be used for saving the world

67 Can be used for make the world a better place

68 Can be used for anything

69 Including to destroy the world

70 But please don't ^_^

71 There's several more criterion

72 But I think its too technical & legalese to talk about

73 So look up yourself at

74 Whats the difference between Free Software and Open Source ?

75 Philosophically, they are similar

76 But RMS sees it as not-pure


78 Open Source is less strict

79 And cover more areas

80 Free Software is a subset of Open Source

81 All Free Software are Open Source

82 But certain Open Source software does not qualify as Free Software

83 As the FSF people says they are not 'Free' enough

84 Why does Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) matters?

85 Open up possibilities to learn

86 When was the last time you got the source code of a software used by large organizations?

87 For Free? Without NDA?

88 Open up possibilities to collaborate

89 With (almost) everyone in the world!

90 Help your neighbors!

91 Make the world a better place!

92 And you can make money out of it too ^o^

93 How?, that need a whole different presentation to cover :P

94 FOSS is everywhere!

95 Most of you have been using it without realizing it

96 The Internet is largely powered by Free / Open Source Softwares

97 Start using FOSS now!

98 Google for "Free / Open Source" to learn more

99 For a start, Try using Open Office

100 Then you may want to try using Linux, Fedora / OpenSuSE / Ubuntu are good starting points

101 I'm biased, so I recommend Fedora :-P

102 More Links

103 That's all Folks

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