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Director Awards Friday 27 th May 2016. Alessia Miss Durham says… Alessia is an extremely determined little girl; she has a desire to learn and always.

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Presentation on theme: "Director Awards Friday 27 th May 2016. Alessia Miss Durham says… Alessia is an extremely determined little girl; she has a desire to learn and always."— Presentation transcript:

1 Director Awards Friday 27 th May 2016

2 Alessia Miss Durham says… Alessia is an extremely determined little girl; she has a desire to learn and always wants to improve. These characteristics have enabled her to make outstanding progress. Her literacy skills are phenomenal, particularly her reading, where she reads confidently and with great expression. Well done Alessia!

3 Charlie Miss Durham says… Charlie is one of the kindest and most thoughtful children I have the pleasure of teaching. His behaviour is always impeccable and he approaches everything he does with positivity and a huge smile. Charlie is a great role model - thank you Charlie!

4 Savanna Miss Jones says… Savanna is a delightful member of Oak Class and a fantastic role model. She treats others with kindness and her behaviour reflects the school values beautifully. We are very proud of you, Savanna!

5 Fraser Miss Jones says… Fraser strives to do his best in all areas of his learning. He demonstrates the value of determination wonderfully in the way that he always seeks out a challenge. Keep up the great work, Fraser!

6 Faith Mrs Smith says… For outstanding progress in all areas but especially reading. Faith has worked hard to learn her phonic sounds and we are all very proud of her achievement. She reads with more confidence, increasing fluency and we thoroughly enjoy listening to her read. Well done, Faith!

7 Sophie Mrs Smith says… Sophie always listens and takes care with all her learning. This term we have been especially impressed with her increased confidence. She is now one of the first to share ideas and answers in all areas of her learning. Her positive attitude and resilience makes her a fantastic role model at Birdwell School.

8 Eddie Miss Godsell says… Eddie has shown outstanding progress in Maths this year, wowing Silver Birch each and every day! He has a love for maths and a willingness to learn, often completing additional problems at home or during his choosing time. Eddie is able to complete complex problems involving all of the operations and is truly talented. Recently, Eddie’s ability to explain his thinking has improved and he is enjoying helping others. Well done Eddie - we are proud of you!

9 Charlotte Miss Godsell says… Charlotte’s confidence and independence has grown significantly during Year One. She contributes in all class discussions and takes an active role in group activities. Charlotte is confident to play with different children at play times and is a kind and helpful friend to others. Further to this, Charlotte has worked hard to improve her writing, wowing us with both her story writing and handwriting. Well done Charlotte, we are proud of you!

10 Emily Miss Hunt says… Emily is such a lovely, kind and thoughtful little girl who is a real role model for everyone in Chestnut Class. When working with other children, Emily is always thoughtful of others and listens carefully to opinions. She has shown a great growth in her confidence over the past few terms and this has really had an impact on her work, as well as on her ability to share and talk in front of the class. Emily is such a wonderful person to teach and has a genuine, kind and caring personality that makes everyone think she is brilliant! Well done, Emily.

11 Nazar Miss Hunt says… Nazar has shown a great development in his attitude to his work over the past few terms. He has realised that he has the ability to produce some fantastic work, especially in his writing where in the past he was less confident. Nazar has also shown that he can think carefully and accurately when solving maths problems and is generally much more confident in his own academic ability. Keep up the hard work Nazar!

12 William Miss Downing says… William has worked incredibly hard this year in maths and English to demonstrate just how amazing his brain is! William enjoys tackling number problems and explaining his thinking which he does with a smile! As well as this, William has been showing us how he can carefully improve the content of his writing and his handwriting too. Well done, William!

13 Alice Miss Downing says… Alice is such a fantastic member of Cedar! She always tackles every challenge in school with a smile and a determination to succeed. Alice always displays superb behaviour in class and around school, and is an excellent role model for others. In addition to this, Alice has really impressed us with her excellent attitude towards reading and sharing her thoughts about stories. Well done Alice: keep up the good work!

14 Isaac Mr Nolan says… Isaac has definitely demonstrated that he is increasingly prepared to tackle tasks in school with more determination, which has led to his much improved work. Well done Isaac – keep up the good work!

15 Iris Mr Nolan says… Iris has demonstrated a really solid set of mental maths skills this year. As well as this, she has shown a superb ability to get to grips with all of the formal written methods we've learnt this year. Well done, Iris!

16 Sam B Miss Brown says… Sam is consistently smiling and showing the school value of positivity! I often notice Sam encouraging others in his class, praising them for something they’ve done well or encouraging them to keep going. Sam is always making us laugh and he is a credit to both Hawthorn and Birdwell.

17 Patience Miss Brown says… Patience works her hardest throughout all subjects. She continually strives to do her best, showing true determination and positivity. This term, Patience has especially progressed in English, where she has begun taking the time to edit and improve her work. Well done, Patience!

18 Teddy Mrs Wallace says… Teddy is such a charismatic child. He is happy, smiley and enthusiastic. He has a great sense of humour and always makes us laugh. Keep being you, Teddy!

19 Alex Mrs Wallace says… Alex has done so well in his maths this term. He is tackling maths problems and puzzles with determination and enthusiasm. He uses his fantastic maths skills to apply what he knows to his work. What's more, is that he enjoys it too! He is hardworking, kind and polite. Well done, Alex!

20 Poppy Mr Wells says… Poppy has a great attitude to everything. She works hard, is always positive and does a great job to always stay focused on her work. Poppy is a pleasure to have in the class!

21 Flo Mr Wells says… Flo has worked incredibly hard to work independently on her maths, and always pushes herself to achieve more. It has been a pleasure to see Flo progress!

22 Charlie Ms Moisey says… Charlie has shown a great attitude towards his learning over the last few terms and it is super to see him gaining the confidence to just try things out. Charlie works well with others and is always a popular choice with his peers because of his cheerful nature. As well as this, he is very happy to share his ideas with others and to put forward his point of view.

23 Will Ms Moisey says… Will has made tremendous progress with his writing over the year. He is such a creative writer, who always manages to engage and keep the interest of those who read his work. Well done, Will!

24 Lucas Miss Weiner says… Lucas is a lovely member of the class and is a very good friend to his peers. If he can help others with their work, he will, especially in I.C.T. Whenever we do group work, he shows great teamwork skills and during PE sessions he further demonstrates how well he works in a team. His attitude towards his learning this term has been exemplary. Well done, Lucas!

25 Elise Miss Weiner says… Elise is a pleasure to teach and works extremely hard, giving 100% all of the time. She is not only a lovely member of the class and a good friend to her class mates, but her writing in English this term has been particularly impressive. Furthermore, her effort with her maths has also been outstanding. Well done Elise!

26 Naoki Mrs Cavill says… Naoki has demonstrated superb progress in mathematics where his determination to problem- solve and work to his potential has really started to shine through. Fantastic Naoki, keep this up at Backwell!

27 Ava Mrs Cavill says… Ava always displays a 'can do' attitude to activities as well as encouraging others to have a ‘can do’ attitude to theirs! On top of this, she always displays exemplary behaviour in the classroom. Well done, Ava!

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