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Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Supported Assessment Tools Gulf of Mexico Alliance Tools Café June 2016 Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Supported Assessment Tools Gulf of Mexico Alliance Tools Café June 2016 Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Supported Assessment Tools Gulf of Mexico Alliance Tools Café June 2016 Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project (SEACAP) Tool A map and screening-level prioritization tool that can be used to investigate potential fish passage and aquatic organism passage opportunities in the southeastern U.S. in the context of many ecological factors. Coastal Wetland Migration Under Alternative Future Sea-level Rise and Urbanization Scenarios Includes TX, LA, MS, AL, and FL coasts. Identifies barriers and opportunities for the landward migration of tidal saline wetlands along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coast under alternative future sea-level rise and urbanization scenarios. Synthesis of Sea Level Rise and Storm Threshold Data for 44 Coastal Species of Conservation Concern A compilation and synthesis of ecological threshold data related to sea level rise and storm surge for 44 fish, wildlife, and plant species of conservation concern as well as for four coastal habitats. Users can search for a species or habitat of interest to see what threshold data, assessments, and/or research exist as well as responses to management. Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment (GCVA) The GCVA used an expert opinion approach to qualitatively assess the vulnerability of four ecosystems: mangrove, oyster reef, tidal emergent marsh, and barrier islands, and a suite of wildlife species that depend on them. Mississippi River Basin (MRB)/Gulf Hypoxia Initiative: Precision Conservation Blueprint v1.0 Mapping tools and design guidelines to identify key areas for investment in high impact conservation practices that benefit wildlife, water quality and agriculture across the MRB and at a higher resolution (30m) for selected habitat types in HUC-4 watersheds that contribute to Gulf hypoxia. Developers: Eastern Tallgrass Prairie & Big Rivers LCC, US Fish & Wildlife Service, The Conservation Fund, Gulf Coast Plains & Ozarks LCC, Gulf Coast Prairie LCC, Great Plains LCC, Plains & Prairie Potholes LCC, Upper Midwest & Great Lakes LCC, Appalachian LCC 017e4ce98c3914dba1bc4ee7 Developers: North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative oducts/thresholds-for-coastal- species-and-habitats oducts/thresholds-for-coastal- species-and-habitats Developers: Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership, The Nature Conservancy, South Atlantic LCC Developers: The Gulf Coast Prairie, Gulf Coastal Plains & Ozarks, South Atlantic, and Peninsular Florida LCCs, NOAA, Northern Gulf Institute, Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, USGS, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast and Southcentral Climate Science Centers projects/gulf-coast-vulnerability-assessment/ Developers: US Geological Survey Wetland and Aquatic Research Center with 4 Gulf Coast LCCs (supported by USFWS and USGS) Southeast Region Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA) The place to find and organize information, datasets, maps, and galleries for southeastern geographies. Explore data from a wide variety of sources that encompass all or parts of the southeastern 15 states, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Developers: Gulf Coast Prairie LCC/US Geological Survey Wetland and Aquatic Research Center; Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC, South Atlantic LCC, Peninsular Florida LCC, Connecting Conservation, Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership, US Fish and Wildlife Service Compiled by:

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