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Zoology an introduction to animal life Chapter 1 Introduction to Zoology.

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1 Zoology an introduction to animal life Chapter 1 Introduction to Zoology

2 Zoology Study of animal life Document diversity of animal species Modern Zoologists use the theory of evolution as an central organizing principle of Biology The chromosomal theory of inheritance guides the study of heredity and variation of animal species.

3 General Properties of Living Systems Chemical Uniqueness Complexity and Hierarchical Organization Reproduction Genetic Program Metabolism Development Environmental Interaction

4 Chemical Uniqueness Biological macromolecules- protein, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids. These give living systems biological unity and potential diversity as well.

5 Complexity and Hierarchical Organization The order of complexity builds from macromolecules to cells, organisms, populations and species.

6 Reproduction Living things must reproduce themselves from prior life-It does not occur spontaneously! It shows the complexity of heredity and variation. Heredity is the faithful transmission of traits from parent to offspring. Variation is the production of differences among traits of different individuals.

7 Genetic Program Provides fidelity of inheritance. Nucleic Acids contain the code for proteins needed for organisms development and functioning. DNA contains the genetic information in units called nucleotides.

8 Metabolism Living organisms maintain themselves by acquiring nutrients from their environments. The essential chemical processes are metabolism. These include : digestion, respiration, and synthesis of molecules and structures.

9 Development All organisms pass through a characteristic life cycle. This involves a change in form from a fertilized egg to a mature adult. Multi-cellular species undergo further changes as they go through developmental changes as they become adults. This metamorphosis is evident in species such as frogs.

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