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FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETETION Introduction to Electrical & Control System Power and Signal Distribution/Interconnection Sensors, Motors, Speed Controllers,

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETETION Introduction to Electrical & Control System Power and Signal Distribution/Interconnection Sensors, Motors, Speed Controllers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETETION Introduction to Electrical & Control System Power and Signal Distribution/Interconnection Sensors, Motors, Speed Controllers, Pneumatic Control Valves, etc

2 Paul Ulland – Engineering Mentor

3 Battery Charger


5 Battery

6 Power Connectors

7 120 Amp Main Circuit Breaker

8 Power Distribution Board

9 Circuit Breakers

10 NI RoboRIO

11 Voltage Regulator Module

12 Linksys Bridge/Access Point

13 Driver Control

14 “Sarah” the Lap Top Computer


16 Cabling Legend  + 12 Vdc  Ground  CAN  Ethernet  PWM  Signal  USB

17 Microsoft Lifecam HD3000  plugs directly into the roboRIO  capable of capturing up to 1280x720 video at 30 FPS

18 Axis M1013, M1011 and Axis 206 Ethernet camera with Servos

19 Limit Switches

20 Photo Switch

21 Sonar Range Finder

22 Rotary Encoder

23 Linear Encoder

24 Shaft Encoder

25 Gyro and Accelerometer

26 There are 10 kinds of people: Those who know binary and those that don’t.

27 Robot Signal Light (RSL)  ROBOT SAFETY LIGHT  Solid ON - Robot On and Disabled  Blinking - Robot On and Enabled  Off - Robot Off, roboRIO not powered or RSL not wired properly.

28 Spike H-Bridge Relay  Motor  provides On/Off control in both the forward and reverse directions  Custom robot electronics  provides power to up to 2 circuits  connected to a relay output of the roboRIO  powered from the Power Distribution Panel.

29 Victor speed control with fan

30 Talon Speed Control

31 Victor SP Speed Control  PWM motor controller

32 Motor Speed Controller  Jaguar  Yellow  Red  Green

33 Talon SRX Speed Control  CAN-enabled "smart motor controller“  Controlled over CAN bus or PWM interface  Accepts inputs from limit switches, potentiometers, encoders, or similar in order to perform advanced control such as limiting or PID(F) closed loop control

34 CIM, BaneBot, & Door Motors, etc Confirm that motor choices appear in robot rules

35 Speed Reduction

36 Pneumatics Control Module

37 Compressor & Pressure Limit Switch

38 Pneumatic Control Valve

39 Pneumatic Cylinder with end of stroke limit switches

40 Pneumatic Rotary Actuator end of stroke limit switches

41 Status Light Quick Reference  Power  Green - Power is good  Amber - Brownout protection tripped, outputs disabled  Red - Power fault, check user rails for short circuit  Status  On while the controller is booting, then should turn off  2 blinks - Software error, reimage roboRIO  3 blinks - Safe Mode, restart roboRIO, reimage if not resolved  4 blinks - Software crashed twice without rebooting, reboot roboRIO, reimage if not resolved  Constant flash or stays solid on - Unrecoverable error

42 Status Light Quick Reference  Radio  Not currently implemented  Comm  Off - No Communication  Red Solid - Communication with DS, but no user code  Red Blinking - E-stop  Green Solid - Good communication with DS  Mode  Off - Outputs disabled (robot in Disabled, brown-out, etc.)  Amber/Orange - Autonomous Enabled  Green - Teleop Enabled  Red - Test Enabled  RSL  See above


44 Pneumatics Control Module





49 Wire Size Requirements

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