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Success of Flathead River to Lake Initiative. Non-profit organization implementing land conservation to protect the Flathead Valley’s natural beauty,

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Presentation on theme: "Success of Flathead River to Lake Initiative. Non-profit organization implementing land conservation to protect the Flathead Valley’s natural beauty,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Success of Flathead River to Lake Initiative

2 Non-profit organization implementing land conservation to protect the Flathead Valley’s natural beauty, clean water, and special places that sustain our high quality of life. Flathead Land Trust

3 - Protected over 5,000 acres of critical lands adding to a network totaling over 11,000 acres of protected private and public lands Conservation Success

4 Conservation Metrics Acres of 100-yr floodplain Miles bordering Flathead River Acres of shallow groundwater Acres of wetland Acres within ¼ mile buffer of slough Acres of quality riparian habitat Acres of important agricultural soils






10 Flathead Lake

11 Of 135 unprotected parcels, a) 37 are >160 acres in size b) 35 contain >80 acres 100-year floodplain c) 47 border >0.3 miles FR main channel d) 33 contain >80 acres shallow groundwater e) 35 contain >30 acres wetlands f) 32 contain >40 acres slough buffer g) 30 contain >30 acres quality riparian habitat h) 30 contain >80 acres important ag. soils Land Protection Opportunities Identified

12 Future Conservation Opportunities


14 Critical Land Total acres Acres protected* Percent of total Percent R2L projects Total protected10,908 Forested riparian5,8613,38358%40% Wetlands6,2633,52251%25% 100-yr floodplain16,6618,10541% Shallow aquifer14,1145,86843%38% Important agric soils 15,1474,06534%75% North Shore4,2822,17850%10% River bank87 miles24 miles29%38% * Acres protected within focus area only (additional wetlands or shallow aquifer areas outside the R2L focus area were not evaluated) 14

15 Wetland Protection Funding USFWS North American Wetlands Act grant (NAWCA) FWP Montana Migratory Bird Stamp grant Fisheries Mitigation Funding Bonneville Power Administration Hungry Horse Dam Mitigation Funding Farmland Protection Funding Montana Agricultural Heritage Program USDA Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) Restoration Funding NRCS Environmental Quality Improvement Program (EQIP) MT Dpt. of Transportation mitigation funding MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks Wildlife Program NFWF Five Start Restoration grant Intermountain West Joint Venture (closed) Landowner match: Donated easements and bargain sale, restoration. Conservation & Restoration Project Funding 15




19 Lower Flathead Valley Bike & Bird Tour Showcase protected wetlands, riparian forests, farm land and birds that use habitat.

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