Mary Rocks Introduction EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Newton Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Rocks Introduction EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Newton Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Rocks Introduction EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Newton Miller

2 Hello my name is Mary Rocks I am currently working on my Masters. in Education specializing in Reading I have been teaching 3 year class for the past 16 months until recently I was homeschooling/Tutoring for 17+ years

3 What impact do you believe having your Master degree will have on your future endeavors? With the specialization in Reading I am hoping to make reading fun again. With a Master’s degree I do believe it will open doors that will allow me to teach on different levels. I am a firm believer in Hooked on Phonics and SRA program Teaching the letter sight with the sound at 3 years old is the beginning of reading!

4 I was born and raised in South Florida yep I still live here! This light house was always my favorite place since I was a small child

5 My family Me and my boyfriend Albert My youngest son lives in the V.I. getting ready to start college for Accounting My oldest son Tim and his wife Casey My daughter Malia and my grandson Zion She is a wonderful mom. She is working and going to school for her Master in Psychology My son Joshua Security guard while working on his B.A

6 Illustrate what your background as a K-12 student was like and discuss either a person or an experience that had a lasting influence on your life Mr. Ulyess is my earliest experience that was good. He always made learning fun and he never put you down if you didn’t know something. It is also the class that I really learned to read with SRA program. You always had your homework because you had one of two choices 1. have your homework in hand 2. Get a paddling on your way in for not having your homework

7 Traditional Research vs. Action Research. is a process that demands a standard scientific method…. Identify problem Form hypothesis Experiment Analyze data Offer a solution process of reflecting, evaluating, and improving the quality of that are specific to a field by….. identifying a common concern action planning implementing evaluating Reflecting self-evaluating I googled this to make sure that my understanding of this is correct

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