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Advanced English 6 OCTOBER 19, 22-23. To Do Today:  Set 3 goals for the day on your sticky note  Review “Where I’m From” poems and Inquiry discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced English 6 OCTOBER 19, 22-23. To Do Today:  Set 3 goals for the day on your sticky note  Review “Where I’m From” poems and Inquiry discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced English 6 OCTOBER 19, 22-23

2 To Do Today:  Set 3 goals for the day on your sticky note  Review “Where I’m From” poems and Inquiry discussion  Portfolios  Finish peer review  Vocabulary Paint Chip Activity  Read “Matthew Henson at the Top of the World” and “Over the Top of the World”  Work on vocabulary activities, personal narrative, reading, and/or journals

3 “Where I’m From” poems and Inquiry Discussion  What questions do you have?  On the Inquiry discussion, pink highlighter is from Mrs. Fritzinger and blue is from your partner’s feedback.  Some of you did not turn in some parts. Mrs. Fritzinger will be checking in with you.

4 Portfolios  Weebly site:  Login: LastnameFirstinitialMGC  Example: FritzingerRMGC  Password: English  Home page:  Title that describes your sixth grade year  One paragraph describing and reflecting on yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker  New page for 6 th grade:  “Where I’m From” poem with reflection-Your reflection should include a description of the assignment, as well as a reflection on what you did well and what you would change.  Personal Narrative with reflection-Your reflection should include a description of the assignment, as well as a reflection on what you did well and what you would change.  Make pages for 7 th grade and 8 th grade  Publish: Create an appropriate URL

5 Peer Review  Find your assigned partner.  Complete the peer review sheet. Please make sure you give descriptive feedback so that your partner can improve his or her work.  Highlight on your partner’s rough draft:  Yellow is needs improvement.  Pink or orange is good work.

6 STEMS: PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, & ROOTS Many words in the English language are made up of smaller word stems- PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, and ROOTS. These stems each have their own meaning, and when combined, they make up larger words. Learning STEMS will help you decode an unlimited number of words.

7 FOR EXAMPLE: CON + STRUC + TION = CONSTRUCTION (together) + (BUILD) + (ACT OR STATE OF) = the act of building together

8 Paint Chip Activity  In your group: Use dictionaries  1 st color (top): Write your root with the meaning  2 nd color: Write a derivative from that root with definition and part of speech (easy)  3 rd color: Write another derivative from that root with definition and part of speech (medium)  4 th color (bottom): Write a third derivative from that root with definition and part of speech (hard)  ON THE BACK: Write a synonym for each of the three derivatives  Group 1:  bi, bis  mater, matr  sci  trib  Group 2:  bio  orig  scribe, script  Group 3:  gram  ped (Greek)  sim  Group 4:  graph  ped (Latin)  sum  Group 5:  init  saur  super

9 “Matthew Henson at the Top of the World” (pp. 808-821) and “Over the Top of the World” (pp. 822-826)  Read the stories individually or with a partner. Pay attention to the footnotes & ideas/questions in the margins of the page.  Focus on fluent, smooth reading & clarification of meaning and vocabulary as you read.  As you read, take notes on the pink Habits of Mind sheet provided, finding examples of characters who used the Habits of Mind. You can write a one-sentence summary of how the character(s) used the Habit(s) of Mind.  Also, find examples of derivatives from your Greek and Latin roots as you read. You can write the derivatives on your vocabulary sheet, and put a star beside the derivatives from the story.

10 Matrix  Personal narratives: Final papers due October 28 and October 29  Reading: Choice novel  Short stories: due Monday, October 26 and Tuesday, October 27  Journals: Based on choice novel; see yellow sheet for topics; due Friday, October 30 and Monday, November 2  Vocabulary Activities: due Monday, October 26 and Tuesday, October 27

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