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Human Impact on the Environment:

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Presentation on theme: "Human Impact on the Environment:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Impact on the Environment:
Gr 11 & Gr 12 L.S syllabus Human Impact on the Environment: Current Crises for Human Survival: Problems to be Solved Within the Next Generation Practical observation of ONE example of human influence on the environment in the local area (e.g. the impact of alien species on biodiversity). Written report on the chosen example. Look at the interrelatedness and interdependence of The human impacts and the environment. Human Impact on the Environment forms part of the Gr 11 Life Sciences syllabus and is examined at the end of gr 12. Because this is such a wide ranging section it is important for you to know the terminology in all sections but to do a project on one example – and that’s what you will be doing in this project. By working together you will be able to colloborate and share your own experiences and learn from in other. By producing a video you will have a far wider audience not only in October when you present this to an audience of about 150 people but as we’ll be putting the videos up on a playlist on YouTube and advertising them to Life Sciences teachers across South Africa and encouraging them to play them in class. Lucky you get to do a video – need to persuade your teachers THIS is your project

2 Gr 11 & Gr 12 L.S syllabus Current Crises for Human Survival: Problems to be Solved Within the Next Generation ????? So what are the current crises for human survival as identified in the curriculum?

3 Human Impact on the Environment:
Gr 11 & Gr 12 L.S syllabus Loss of Biodiversity Blaauwberg Nature Reserve Solid Waste Disposal Landfill site Water availability & quality Westlake River system Atmosphere and Climate Change (Eskom) The site visits you went on were all linked to different sections and you will now investigate the section linked to your site visit. Food Security Oranjezicht Urban Farm

4 In nature all things are recycled

5 Humans upset the cycles

6 Your job is to investigate what the problems and challlenges are using information from the site visits and researching further and to explore solutions and make feasible and practical recommendations – with an emphasis on what actions young people can take. Simply by being involved in this project you ARE taking action

7 You went on a field trip on to look at a case example of
Information from the next few slides is taken from the instruction sheets that you have been given You went on a field trip on to look at a case example of human impact on the environment. In the case example presented to you, you will need to consider the impact of human activity – you are welcome to go beyond the case example if you want to. Make it relevant to the group members Research various aspects The ideas that follow are there to GUIDE you Do NOT have to be followed to the letter Practical ideas that can be IMPLEMENTED are far more valuable than following the guidelines to the letter. Information from the next few slides is taken from the instruction sheets that you have been given. The information in red is important read it CAREFULLY. We are convinced that your groups working together can come up with far better ideas than we can imagine and that is what we are looking for more than anything else

8 Your group will then identify problems in the case example and conduct research to be able to make recommendations and propose solutions to these problems that could be implemented by individuals, the local community and the City of Cape Town. You will need to collaborate and work together as a group and communicate via a Facebook group, WhatsApp or Twitter and will be encouraged to have at least one live meeting on Skype. You will be shown how to make a short video and will upload your video onto YouTube. Your videos will be premiered at an event to which City of Cape Town officials will be invited and they will be able to pose questions to you about your findings and recommendations. This is your opportunity to make a real difference to a real world problem. Working together in groups can be tricky, making your voice heard is also sometimes difficult – this project allows you to share your ideas in your own time and allows everyone the opportunity to make their voice heard by using social media.

9 Who is involved in each case example?
Consider the following for the background research of your case example: Who Who is involved in each case example? Who are the key stakeholders? Government, organisations, businesses, local people? What What are the environmental, cultural, economic and political factors that need to be considered to understand the situation in the case example? What action has already been taken to address the situation in the case example? How How have things gotten to be the way they are? Remember there might be both positive and negative factors to consider. This framework will help you to structure your research and allow you to allocate sections to different people

10 Challenges What are the environmental, cultural, economic and political challenges in this case example? Lessons Learned Are there best practices from other parts of the world that might be adopted or adapted to be used in your case example? Using what you learned from your case example research what recommendations and solutions can you make to the City of Cape Town? In the final video you need to set the scene and identify the problems and challenges but want the emphasis to be on practical, implementable solutions…….. Onto next slide

11 Consider the following in your recommendations and solutions:
How do we turn ideas into action? Is the burden only on governments? What action can individuals take? What action can communities take? Are the recommendations sustainable – economically and socially as well as environmentally? Who is going to pay for these recommendations and solutions to be implemented? How will the money be raised? What part can young people play in finding solutions to this and other environmental problems? And actions that communities, individuals and especially young people can take.

12 Consider the following when working together in a group:
Where and how will you be able to access Facebook/ WhatsApp/ Twitter/Skype? Are all members of the working group part of the social media groups? Discuss what you need to find out. Assign roles to each group member. Who will take photos? Short video clips? Who is the group leader from each school? What are the due dates to upload information so that the video is completed by 12 October?

13 How are sharing the written information
How are sharing the written information? In Facebook posts or Skydrive or BOTH? How will you encourage all group members to share their research on time? What role would you like your teacher to play? Have you discussed this with your teacher? What assistance do you need? How will you communicate your need for assistance? Keep a record of all the decisions you make on your social media group! All this information can be found in the instruction sheets your teacher gave to you

14 This is what we want you to do – and this is your chance to get started

15 And you will be shown how to use tools to do this

16 2nd workshop: Saturday 14 September (13. 45-17
2nd workshop: Saturday 14 September ( ) : basic videoing techniques and how you can use cell phones to create videos and what software to use to do voice overs. Final workshop on Saturday 12 October ( ) Videos must be completed, checking accuracy of content and standard of video. The completed videos need to be uploaded onto YouTube. Learners will be shown how to do this. Thursday 17 October ( 15.30): Presentation of videos to a group of City of Cape Town staff, teachers and peers. A reminder of the timeline for this project. Put the dates into your cell phones

17 Download relevant sections of the Smart Living handbook in English, Afrikaans or Xhosa:
Short PPs on each section have been put into a Skydrive folder for you. They include slide above with the link to how you can download portions of the Smart Living Handbook that you will be given in hard copy – I have taken a number of graphics from this source and if you do not know how to use the snipping tool to do this – ask when you are in the computer room

18 What happens now? Know that SP and St Georges have already had a meeting together. Have any other schools had a chance to meet? Bishops and Leap will be going on a another outing on 16 Aug.

19 Get together and make those good ideas happen.

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