- Moon revolves around Earth in 27.3 days - Moon rotates slowly on its own axis once every 27.3 days. Because of this, a “day” and a “year” on the Moon.

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Presentation on theme: "- Moon revolves around Earth in 27.3 days - Moon rotates slowly on its own axis once every 27.3 days. Because of this, a “day” and a “year” on the Moon."— Presentation transcript:

1 - Moon revolves around Earth in 27.3 days - Moon rotates slowly on its own axis once every 27.3 days. Because of this, a “day” and a “year” on the Moon are the same length!! -T-The same side of the Moon always faces Earth. Why? - “Moon light” is actually reflected light from the SUN MOON MADNESS NEWS!! FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW! Phases: The different shapes of the Moon you see from Earth.

2 WHAT CAUSES PHASES? Phases are caused by changes in the relative positions of the Moon, Earth and Sun. The phase of the Moon you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the Moon faces Earth.

3 New Moon Waxing Crescent First Quarter Waxing Gibbous Full Moon Waning Gibbous Third Quarter Waning Crescent

4 eclipses An Eclipse occurs when an object in space comes between the Sun and a third object and casts a shadow on that object. When the Moon’s shadow hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the Moon, an eclipse occurs. Two types of Eclipses: 1. Solar Eclipse: occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, blocking the sunlight from reaching Earth. The Moon’s shadow then hits Earth. A Solar eclipse is really just a new Moon in which the Moon blocks your view of the Sun,


6 In a Solar Eclipse, the darkest part of the Moon’s shadow is called the UMBRA. (Total Eclipse) The PENUMBRA, is when the Moon casts another shadow that is less dark than the umbra. It is the larger part of the shadow. - During a solar eclipse people in the penumbra see only a partial eclipse - Only people within the umbra experience a total solar eclipse. NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN!


8 Why don’t solar eclipses happen every month?


10 2. Eclipse – Lunar Eclipse occurs at a Full Moon when Earth is directly between the Moon and the Sun. The Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon’s surface.



13 When a lunar eclipse occurs, it is visible over at least half of Earth. Wherever the Moon is visible. A total solar eclipse can only be seen along a narrow path up to a few hundred miles wide. Why do lunar eclipses occur only at full Moon? Why do solar eclipses occur only at the new Moon? Why are a “day” and a “year” on the Moon the same length?

14 Another Moon Fact: What are Tides? Tides : the rise and fall of water, every 12.5 hours or so. The Water rises for about six hours, then falls for about six hours, in a regular cycle. What causes Tides: The force of GRAVITY pulls the Moon and Earth (including the water on Earths surface) toward each other. Remember: The force of gravity between two objects depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them. Tides occur mainly because of differences in how much the Moon pulls on different parts of Earth.

15 As Earth Rotates, the Moon’s gravity pulls water toward the point on Earth’s surface closest to the Moon. Because there are two tides there is more to it. The two tides occur because of the difference in the force of gravity from one place to another. A B D C

16 HIGH TIDES: The force of the Moon’s gravity at point A, which is closer to the Moon, is stronger than the force of Moon’s gravity on Earth as a whole. The water near point A is pulled toward the Moon more strongly than is Earth as a whole. The water flows toward Point A, and a high tide forms. A B D C At point B, which is farther from the Moon, is weaker than the force of the Moon’s gravity on Earth as a whole. Earth as a whole is pulled toward the Moon more strongly than the water at Point B, so the water is “left behind”. Water flows toward point B, and a high tide occurs there too.

17 Why are there high tides on opposite sides of Earth at the same time? The Tide Cycle: Between point A and B, water flows away from points C and D, causing low tides to occur. At any one time there are two places with high tides and two places with low tides on Earth. As Earth rotates, one high tide stays on the side of Earth facing the Moon. The second high tide stays on the opposite side of Earth. Every location on Earth sweeps through those two high tides and two low tides in a 25 hour cycle. One high tide forms when the Moon pulls on the waters near it; another high tide forms on the opposite side as the solid Earth is pulled toward the Moon, leaving the waters behind.

18 THE SUN’S gravity also pulls on Earth’s waters. Once a month, at new Moon, the Sun, Earth and Moon are nearly in a line. The gravity of the Sun and the Moon pull in the same direction. The combined forces produce a tide with the greatest difference between low and high tide, called a SPRING TIDE. WHAT HAPPENS AT A FULL MOON? The Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of Earth. However, since there are tides on both sides of Earth, a spring tide is also produced. It doesn’t matter in which order the Sun, Earth and Moon line up. So spring tides occur twice a month, at the new Moon and at the full Moon.

19 Also, twice a month, during the Moon’s first quarter and 3RD quarter phases, the line between Earth and the Sun is at right angles to the line between Earth and the Moon. The Sun’s pull is at right angles to the Moon’s. This arrangement produces a tide with the least difference between low and high tide, called a NEAP TIDE.



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