Storage. Sensory Memory  Initial recording of your senses  Most information is not encoded  What determines what gets encoded?  Selective attention.

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Presentation on theme: "Storage. Sensory Memory  Initial recording of your senses  Most information is not encoded  What determines what gets encoded?  Selective attention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storage

2 Sensory Memory  Initial recording of your senses  Most information is not encoded  What determines what gets encoded?  Selective attention  Rehearse  What is important to us

3 How does info get encoded?  Rehearsal!  What happens when you can’t rehearse?  Football players knocked unconscious will not remember the hit

4 Memory Test

5 U M


7 T D L O


9 S I K U H E


11 N I L A P A R E


13 S N I Y R V T I E U


15 B A Q S I E N U O E T L


17 Does Your Sheet Look Anything Like This? UM TDOL S I K U H E N I L A P A R E S N I Y R V T I E U B A Q S I E N U O E T L

18 Short-Term Memory  Memory that holds a few items briefly.  George Miller: Seven digits (plus of minus two).  Telephone numbers (without the area code)  Why is memory better for numbers than letters?  If we do nothing with these memories, they will be lost Are we truly limited to 7 +/- 2 items?

19 How fast do we lose these memories?  George Sperling  Iconic Memories  Fractions of seconds  Echoic Memories  3-4 seconds  Semantic Memories  Best retention of the three types

20 Mnemonic Devices “You will remember seeing a hippo on campus” “Sympathetic = scared, Parasympathetic = peaceful” “HOMES” Chunking: Putting information into groups grocery store list

21 What if you had no short term memory?  Clive Wearing (9 mins) Clive Wearing (9 mins)

22 Long Term Memory  Memories that stay with us forever…well kind of  Unlimited storehouse of information  Stored in the cerebral cortex (the 4 lobes)  Not in one place, remove part and you will remember somethings but not others

23 Long Term Memory Explicit Memories  Episodic Memories  memories of events  stored sequentially  Semantic Memories  general knowledge about the world,  stored as facts, meanings  stored as categories (not sequentially) Formed by the hippocampus; stored in the cerebral cortex.

24 Implicit Memories  Procedural Memories  skills & how to perform them, stored sequentially  maybe hard to describe in words (how to throw a curve ball)  Conditioned Memories Formed by the cerebellum; stored in the cerebral cortex.


26 Do you have a photographic memory?  Stephen Wiltshire Stephen Wiltshire  Photographic Games Photographic Games Photographic memory is very very rare!

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