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Chapter 8 Stress and Human Spirituality. “The winds of grace are blowing perpetually, we only need raise our sails.” —Sri Ramakrishna.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Stress and Human Spirituality. “The winds of grace are blowing perpetually, we only need raise our sails.” —Sri Ramakrishna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Stress and Human Spirituality

2 “The winds of grace are blowing perpetually, we only need raise our sails.” —Sri Ramakrishna

3 Human Spirituality The “Perennial Philosophy”

4 Stress and spirituality are NOT polar opposites. Stress provides the opportunity for spiritual growth... when we learn from the experience!

5 A Spiritual Hunger Spiritual Bankruptcy Spiritual Dormancy

6 A Turning Point in Consciousness

7 Invasion of Tibet by China South Amer Shamanism Apollo Space Project Oprah Winfrey Self-Help Groups (AA) Global Warming Mother Earth Spirituality Telecommunication The Hebrew Kabalah Revolution Reports of Near-Death Experiences

8 © Bradford Veley, Marquette, MI

9 Definitions of Human Spirituality

10 Spirituality and Religion are NOT the same thing!

11 Metaphorically speaking, Spirituality is like water

12 Religions are like the containers that hold the water

13 Theories of Human Spirituality

14 The Path of Carl Jung

15 Transpersonal Psychology Psychospirituality Synchronicity Archetypes Collective Unconscious

16 The Path of M. Scott Peck Stages of Spiritual Growth Chaotic Antisocial Individual Institutional Individual Skeptic Individual Mystic Communal

17 The Path of Hildegard von Bingen Hold an Appreciation for the Mystical Aspects of Life

18 The Path of Black Elk

19 Mother Earth Spirituality

20 The Path of Matthew Fox Creation Spirituality Via Positiva Via Negativia Via Creativa Via Transformtiva

21 Via Negativa: The Dark Night of the Soul

22 The Path of Joan Borysenko Spiritual Optimism Spiritual Pessimism

23 Love is the Opposite of Fear The Path of Jesus of Nazareth

24 The Path of Joseph Campbell The Hero’s Journey 1. The Departure 2. The Initiation 3. The Return Home

25 The Path of Deepak Chopra

26 Seven Spiritual Laws 1. Potentiality 2. Giving 3. Karma (cause/effect) 4. Least effort 5. Intention and desire 6. Detachment 7. Dharma (life purpose)

27 The Path of Lao Tzu The Balance of Life Principle of Oneness Principle of Dynamic Balance Principle of Cyclical Growth Principle of Harmonious Action

28 The Path of Albert Einstein

29 Common Bonds of Human Spirituality

30 Seasons of the Soul Centering Process Emptying Process Grounding Process Connecting Process

31 The Centering Process

32 © Charlie Borland/age fotostock The Emptying Process

33 The Grounding Process

34 The Connecting Process

35 A Model of Spirituality for Stress Management

36 Relationships Values Purpose in life

37 The Divine Mystery

38 Spiritual Potential and Spiritual Health

39 Distractions on the Spiritual Path

40 ROAD BLOCKS on the spiritual path ROAD BLOCKS on the spiritual path

41 Current Research on Spirituality and Health

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