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Humanities Take about 5 minutes and do the following:  In your own words, define setting  In your own words, define each of the five parts of plot: Exposition,

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Presentation on theme: "Humanities Take about 5 minutes and do the following:  In your own words, define setting  In your own words, define each of the five parts of plot: Exposition,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanities Take about 5 minutes and do the following:  In your own words, define setting  In your own words, define each of the five parts of plot: Exposition, Rising action, Climax, Falling action, & Conclusion  Describe what you know about the term suspense.

2 Setting The time and place (when and where) of a story

3 Parts of plot Exposition – the beginning of a story in which you meet important characters

4 Parts of plot Rising action – the introduction to the conflict, theme, and overall situation

5 Parts of plot Climax – the big turning point in the story – the conflict is completely evident

6 Parts of plot Falling action – the conflict is addressed and solutions to it are formulated

7 Parts of plot Conclusion – the solutions are put into place and the conflict is usually resolved in some way

8 Suspense According to Merriam Webster Dictionary - a feeling or state of nervousness or excitement caused by wondering what will happen Suspense keeps us interested and engaged in a story

9 Alfred Hitchcock Hitchcock has been recognized as a master of suspense and is one of the most respected directors throughout the history of film. AFTER you watch the short film “Toby”: 1. Make note of any settings used 2. Note any methods that Hitchcock uses to create suspense 3. After you watch the entire video, describe how the five parts of plot are used

10 Responses Take about 10 minutes to write your responses for the short film Make sure to be descriptive and detailed in your responses

11 Before we talk about the settings and story… Who were the important characters in Toby?

12 Important Characters Edwina – main antagonist Albert – main protagonist Mac and Marie McGurk – helped escalate the conflict (minor antagonists) Mrs. Foster the landlady – important in forming the exposition Italian Tenant – helped explain an important part of the setting – extremely hot and dry summer in NY city

13 Settings What were some settings used?

14 Settings Overall, they were in 1910 NY city during a very hot and dry Summer The kitchen of the flat Albert is renting for Edwina – Morning? – important in setting the stage – Exposition Street scene outside apartments – midday – rising action Edwina’s dining room/parlor – afternoon – climax Edwina’s Kitchen/back “porch” – afternoon – falling action Edwina’s entry hallway/bedroom – afternoon - conclusion

15 Suspense What methods did Hitchcock use to create suspense?

16 Suspense The vase breaks and Albert looks very concerned saying that it is a bad omen Mac taunts Edwina about her baby Mac and Marie bring beer to “make up” with Edwina – Edwina clutches a knife and yells for them to get out Edwina’s general secretive nature about Toby Albert lying that he had seen Toby Edwina’s manic depressive mood swings Baby cries only heard outside the apartment – never from Toby Rain and thunder when Alfred confronts Edwina The sudden appearance of strange men for Edwina Albert’s last scene – the camera pans to see his distressed face and then the cat, Toby

17 Parts of Plot What made up the exposition?

18 Parts of Plot Exposition – Albert, Mrs. Foster and Marie are unpacking dishes in the flat Albert is renting for Edwina. The three talk about Edwina coming to stay in the apartment in order to rekindle a romance with Albert. There is the hint that Albert and Edwina’s past was not necessarily a happy one.

19 Parts of Plot What made the rising action?

20 Parts of Plot Rising Action – Mac taunts Edwina because the neighbors want to see the baby. Mac pushes it too far and Marie and the Italian tenant get him to stop.

21 Parts of Plot What made the climax?

22 Parts of Plot Climax – Mac and Marie bang on Edwina’s door and when she opens it, they push their way in to her parlor. They brought beer to make up for Mac’s earlier behavior but Edwina declines saying she doesn’t like surprises. After the McGurk’s refuse to leave, Edwina grabs a knife and demands they leave. Albert enters the room…

23 Parts of Plot What made the falling action?

24 Parts of Plot Falling action – After Albert enters, he backs Edwina up claiming to have seen Toby. The McGurks angrily leave and Albert questions Edwina about why she made him lie. Edwina’s temperament rapidly changes between anger and tenderness toward Albert. There is a sudden knock on the door and two strange men enter.

25 Parts of Plot What made the conclusion?

26 Parts of Plot Conclusion – Edwina recognizes the two men and says she’s not ready to go. She leaves to get ready and the men explain that she “escaped” from an asylum. Edwina says her goodbye to Albert and says that Toby is his now. In tears, Albert goes to Toby, only to find that he is actually a cat.

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