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1 st. Meeting of the Specialized Group of ACTO member countries on Illegal Mining 1 st. Meeting of the Specialized Group of ACTO member countries on Illegal.

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2 1 st. Meeting of the Specialized Group of ACTO member countries on Illegal Mining 1 st. Meeting of the Specialized Group of ACTO member countries on Illegal Mining Amb. Mauricio Dorfler Executive Director, PS/ACTO Lima 29 th 30 th, 2013 THE AMAZON COOPERATION STRATEGIC AGENDA INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT 2013

3 Basin of approximately 7.5 million km 2 The largest continuous area of tropical rainforest in the world THE AMAZON REGION

4 Biological diversity associated with a high level of endemism. Sustainable use and livelihoods The Amazon is the habitat of one third of the world’s species

5 Approximately 385 indigenous peoples and 71 references of isolated peoples More than 40 million of inhabitants

6 THE AMAZON COOPERATION TREATY Signed in 1978 Ratified by eight Amazonian countries

7 WHO WE ARE? An Intergovernmental Organization constituted by eight member-countries; An Organization that envisages the sustainable use of the Amazon resources with the effective participation of the Governments and local populations; The most important socio-environmental bloc of countries in the Americas; A permanent cooperation and knowledge sharing forum ; A space for the execution of joint initiatives. THE AMAZON COOPERATION TREATY ORGANIZATION (ACTO)

8 ACTO – Vision for the future “ An Organization that is internationally recognized within the Member Countries and in the international environment as a reference in regional cooperation, discussions and positions on topics of the international agenda related to the Amazon, and sharing experiences, guided by the principles of full sovereignty, respect and harmony with nature, integral sustainable development and reducing asymmetries between the nations of the region”. A guarantee of the implementation of the sovereignty in the amazon space, respecting and living in harmony with nature, sustainable integral development and the reduction of asymmetry in the states in the region. The countries surrounding the Amazon should come up with a serious debate regarding the specificity of the region and its needs, its capabilities and the particular challenges in order to accomplish sustainable progress, preserve biodiversity and promote living in harmony with nature. ACTO – Principle:


10 Revision of the Strategic Plan, extension of the Action Plan and elaboration of working plan 2010 Consultation visits to the countries Regional workshop for formulation of thematic agendas 2009 Meeting of Ad Hoc Group of Focal Points in Río de Janeiro. 2010 Manaus Declaration of the Chief of State 26 Nov. ACC Extraord. Meeting Collection of secondary information in Member Countries X Meeting of the MFA (Lima) NovMay 2011 Nov 2012 2013 Nov XIV ACC Meeting XV ACC Meeting XVI ACC Meeting XVII ACC Meeting XI Meeting of the MFA (Manaus) XII Meeting of the MFA (El Coca) May ACTO’s RELAUNCHING

11 ACTO’s STRATEGIC COOPERATION AGENDA Conservation and Sustainable use of renewable natural resources Indigenous Affairs Knowledge Management and Information Sharing Regional Health Management Infrastructure and Transport Tourism Institutional, Financial and Legal strenghtening Emerging topics


13 PROJECTS 09 ongoing contracts (US$ 24,4M) 07 contracts executed (U$S 3M) 01 Project in preparation (US$ 13,3M) Annual contribution from member-countries US$ 1.7M (2012), US$ 2M (2014) and from 2016 on US$ 2,7M. 02 Technical Cooperation Agreements: 01 already concluded totalizing US$ 21M, and one in course until 2017, in the amount of US$ 12M 13 Project/Contract Amount (without counterpart) Origine (execution period) Situation Conclusion Integrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources of the Amazon US$ 7.000.000 GEF/PNUMA (48 Months) ongoingDec/14 Environmental Health Surveillance System in the Amazon Region US$ 1.000.000 BID (55 months)ongoingJun/13 Protection of Indigenous People in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact US$ 1.000.000 BID (36 months)ongoingJan/14 Criteria and Indicators about the Forest’s Sustainability US$ 107.000,00OIMT (31 months)ongoingJun/13 Monitoring of the deforestation and changes in the use of the soil US$ 1.124.784 OIMT (24 months)ongoingJun/13 Management, monitoring and Control of wild fauna and flora species endangered by trade EU 10.000.000 KFW 48 months In preparation Dez/17 Ecologically Responsible Management of Managed Forests US$ 1.320.224OIMT (36 months)ongoingJan/16 Strengthening of the OTCA EU 441.358GIZ (24 months)ongoingDez/14 Regional Action in the Area of Water Resources R$ 1.860.00 ANA – Brasil (24 months) ongoingJul/14 Support to the Amazonian Social Agenda R$ 645.000 SAE – Brasil (24 months) ongoingDez/14 Monitoring of the Forest’s Cover in the Regional Amazon R$ 23.693.641BNDES – Amazonian Fund (60 months) To be contracted Jun/18



16 AGREE: The multiplicity of functions that Amazonian rivers perform in the economic and social progress of the region as well as the importance of water resources for human health, wildlife habitat and biodiversity as a whole. RECOMMEND: Undertake negotiation of a Convention for measures aimed at preventing and controlling water pollution and its negative effects Amazon. Instruct the Pro Tempore Secretariat to consult with the Parties for the formulation of a text of a framework partnership agreement, which will be discussed at a regional meeting in 1996 and submitted for consideration by the relevant bodies of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty. V MEETING OF MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE STATE MEMBERS OF THE AMAZON TREATY COOPERATION ORGANIZATION DECLARATION OF LIMA, DICIEMBRE 1995

17 RESOLVES: CELEBRATE and fully support the subscription, in the shortest term, the Framework Agreement between the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), which is properly articulated and agreed upon between both entities and that includes the following modalities of joint cooperation: a) Development of the institutional capacities of the ACTO and strengthening of the Commissions related to health and environment; b) Environmental Health, including water resources management in the trans-boundary basin of the Amazon river; c) Communicable Diseases, with emphasis on the epidemiological surveillance network; d) Sustainable development of the territories of the Amazon Region. e) Improving the quality of life and access to health services for the peoples in the Amazon. And, in this regard to urge the Governments to comply with the necessary formalities still pending so that the subscription of the Framework Agreement could be carried out as soon as possible. Signed in the city of Manaus, Brazil, this fourteenth day of the month of September two thousand and four. VIII MEETING OF MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE STATE MEMBERS OF THE AMAZON TREATY COOPERATION ORGANIZATION DECLARATION OF MANAOS, SEPTEMBER 2004

18 At the moment OTCA has different projects and proposal to surveillance and monitoring the mercury facts in the Amazon Region Actually projects involving Mercury issues We are working in an Integrated Information System (IIS) to increase collaboration between the countries, information sharing and integrated management of the Basin. Source: Alberto Cesar Araujo, Folha Imagem, 2007  Uncontrolled mining activities such as gold mining pollution generated by impact with heavy metals like mercury, which contaminates the water, food and can affect the health of people.  The lack of basic sanitation methods in coastal communities creates pollution in rivers that can trigger a important number of diseases. REGIONAL MEETING ON THE MERCURY ISSUE IN HEALTH PROCESSES WITHIN THE TECNICAL – SCIENTIFICAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN BOLIVIA, BRAZIL AND COLOMBIA, Belen, Brasil, 12 to 16th September 2011

19 Environmetal Health Surveillance System in the Amazon region Pan Amazon Network of Science, technology and Health Innovation Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin  Promote shared discussion spaces to establish control policies for mining activities that contaminate the water.  Promote the adoption of common criteria to assess and monitor use of water resources, respecting the management specificities of each country.

20 Our actually activities WATER AIR VECTOR DISEASES PESTICIDES MERCUR Y WEATER XTREMS NATURAL DISASTERS ( FOREST BURNS/ INUNDATIONS ) SANITATION PRIORIZED THEMES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM IN THE AMAZON REGION The objective of the program is to "Adopt an operating and instrumental framework of indicators and strategies for the institutionalization of the surveillance system of environmental health, allowing regulators to take measures for the determination of the risk factors and actions aimed at monitoring, with a view to facilitating the prevention, protection, adaptation and mitigation against the alteration, environmental pollution and damage, affecting human health Pan Amazonian Network of Science, Technology & Innovation in Health GROUPS OF WORK  Telehealth;  Health and Environment;  Virtual Health Library (VHL) Pan Amazon of CT&IS;  Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property;  Research on Malaria;  Research on Amazon Health Systems and Services  Interculturality and Health (proposed)

21 Establish the current conditions for the development of an Integrated Environmental Health Surveillance. Structuring the monitoring system health of populations exposed to mercury locally. Develop a Hazard Communication Program Local about mercury exposure through strategies and contextual and culturally appropriate procedures. Facilitate the integration of networks of Member Countries of ACTO, in REDVIGMER in the prevention, surveillance and control of mercury exposure. What do we want to achieve? Actually projects involving Mercury issues An integrated system of information for action Collaborative, from and between countries Fed with the result of a whole country With contributions from entities that have or are supported by the lifting of information systems in conjunction with Amazon ACTO With interdependent results Transversal and adaptable to emerging needs in the CM Final Results AMAZON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM


23  To join efforts to control illegal mining in the Amazon basin, developing a strategic agenda for this specific purpose, promoting mutual cooperation and an exchange of best practices.  To form a specialized working group, to define a common strategy about illegal mining in the Amazon and propose the necessary cooperation mechanisms to effectively carry out this strategy.  Propose to present at Rio +20 Meeting the approaches and experiences that ACTO Member Countries have in the development of controlling illegal mining, pointing out the challenges imposed on the entire region. II MEETING OF THE ACTO MINISTRIES OF ENVIRONMENT, MARCH 21 st, 2012 That the proliferation of illegal mining activities taking place in the Amazon basin, executed in a disorderly manner, without respecting the environment and neighboring populations, in socially unacceptable conditions, constitute a threat to the conservation and the sustainable development of the Amazon. That illegal mining, among other unlawful environmental activities, directly affects sensitive ecosystems of the Amazon, causing deforestation and pollution of watersheds, with the consequent loss of biological diversity and fragmentation of ecosystems, many of which are shelter and habitats of wild flora and fauna species that are unique, threatened or endangered. That illegal mining not only causes serious environmental and social impacts, but also represents an obstacle to the sustainable development of the Amazon. AGREE: RECOMMEND: That illegal mining often takes place in precarious social settings, under conditions of labor and child exploitation, crime and of social conflict situations with local populations, affecting vulnerable populations, especially the traditional people of the Amazon. That illegal mining affects all ACTO Members Countries, which share many common characteristics, both in terms of impacts and the conditions that foster them. An important part of illegal mining occurs in border areas and their impacts extend beyond the borders of the countries. APPENDIX TO THE LIMA DECLARATION DECISION ON ILLEGAL MINING IN THE AMAZON BASIN

24 28. Create a specialized Working Group to develop the common strategy on illegal mining in the Amazon and propose the necessary cooperation mechanisms to enforce said strategy, taking into account the guidance from the Declaration on Illegal Mining in the Amazon Basin, adopted by the 2 nd Meeting of Ministers of the Environment of ACTO of March two thousand twelve. XII MEETING OF THE ACTO MINISTRIES OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS DECLARATION OF EL COCA, MAY 2013 MANDATE AWARDED ON ILLEGAL MINING IN THE AMAZON BASIN

25 FIRST MEETING OF THE SPECIALIZED GROUP OF ACTO MEMBER COUNTRIES ON ILLEGAL MINING LIMA, 29 th - 30 th October 2013 To unite efforts in order to control illegal mining, developing a specific strategic agenda to this end, promoting the mutual cooperation and the exchange of experiences. To form a specialized Working Group in order to develop a common strategy on illegal mining at the Amazon, and to propose the necessary cooperation mechanisms to make this strategy effective. An analysis of the theme (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats): production of a preliminary first draft. Discussion on the elements of the common strategy to tackle the problem of illegal mining in the Amazon. Identify funding needs and innovative alternatives of cooperation to make possible the execution of the common strategy. Producing a Roadmap for the work to be undertaken in all the fronts, and with all the actors involved, to combat illegal mining: chronogram of priority actions. OBJECTIVES OF THE MEETING EXPECTED RESULTS – PRODUCTS OF THE MEETING

26 Gracias, Thank you, Thank you, Obrigado, Obrigado, Dank U Dank U

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