PARENT S INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT Who are parents? Importance of involving parents Levels of parents’ involvement Factors affecting parents’ involvement.

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Presentation on theme: "PARENT S INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT Who are parents? Importance of involving parents Levels of parents’ involvement Factors affecting parents’ involvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARENT S INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT Who are parents? Importance of involving parents Levels of parents’ involvement Factors affecting parents’ involvement in school Ways that parents might show their children that they value education Barriers to successful parent involvement 1

2 Who is a parent? Literal meaning: parent is father or mother More broad meaning includes grand parents, other relatives, foster parents, step parents or other parenting adults who are responsible for the health and well being of the child (University Outreach and Engagement; University of Michigan: 2004). So, parents can be understood as any person in the community who takes the responsibility of giving care to the child in terms of health, education, subsistence, guidance, security and protection. 2

3 Importance of involving parents in school development Research indicates that family involvement in schools increases school effectiveness. The benefits of partnership between parents and school include: Increased support of families to school; more students’ and parents’ positive attitudes and behaviour towards school; Improvement of teacher morale; higher expectations of students and higher opinions of parents; 3

4 LEVELS OF PARENT INVOLVEMENT Preconditions for parent involvement in school Communication between school and parents Partnership in student learning Parents as volunteers School as a resource for parents Parent as decision maker 4

5 Preconditions for parents involvement: Basic conditions: the school being a place where parents feel comfortable and welcomed; Positive teacher attitudes and beliefs towards parent involvement; This can be attained if: the school understand and show the importance of parents in educating children; the school expect personal contact with parents; teachers invite parents staff view parents as partners school staff visit parents 5

6 Communication between school and parents Communication is key in facilitating parent involvement. There is need to keep parents informed through regular two way communication. Information vital to student success can be shared through conference at the beginning of the school year Conferences provide chance for parents and teachers to: talk one-on-one about the student; 6

7 launch a partnership between parent and teacher that will function during the school year; set a contract between school and parents; communicate child’s characteristics, needs and attitudes to teachers; talk the development, needs and problems of the child; help the teacher to better understand the parent, his or her child, and how he or she will support the education of his or her child. 7

8 Help the teacher to understand how much parents are concerned and interested in their child's progress. Other means of communication Report card or folder that communicates the child’s performance Informal activities or means Call parents at different times concerning school and the child issues Prepare special occasions that school staff and parents can meet 8

9 Partnership in student learning Effective schools view parents as partners in facilitating and assisting children’s learning. More parents involvement is associated with encouragement and assistance from the school (head teacher and teachers) on helping their children with school work. 9

10 Parent effectiveness is enhanced if they are given skills to: monitor and discuss school work at home, teach their children how to manage time, make follow up, provide appropriate place for academic work and time to do homework set the child’s academic goals 10

11 Parent as volunteers Another good investment in parent child's education is to volunteer. This depends upon parent's availability, interests and the needs of the school. Parents can volunteer in monitoring, tutoring, library aid, classroom speaker on a specific topic of interest. School personnel may not know what parents want to do as a volunteer, so communication is important. Parents should use their skills and interests to volunteer. 11

12 The effective school uses its resources by encouraging parents to volunteer in areas like: Encouraging and aspiring other parents to participate in school development activities. Providing or organizing the acquisition of resources Providing training to teachers Providing space for school activities Serving as teachers in classroom Accompany students in field trips Contributing in provision of food to students Training students in non-academic activities 12

13 The school as a resource for parents Connection to parents by making school to serve as a resource for parents to make it part of the community Providing access to resources seen as important to families like providing space for community activities Training for parents Assistance in technical matters 13

14 PARENT AS DECISION MAKER It is widely believed that involving parents in school decisions promote their involvement in school affairs and development. If involvement is done, it develops feelings of ownership, being more ready to help the school and volunteer, increasing more contact with the school and develop more satisfaction. ; 14

15 Parents involvement in decision making can be on: School policies Financial matters Curriculum Extra-curricula activities Discipline Resource mobilization School plans 15

16 Factors that make school-parents relationship to sustain and succeed mutual trust and respect; an ongoing exchange of information; agreement and sharing on school, vision, mission goals and strategies; sharing of rights and responsibilities; willingness of the school to involve parents, families and the community at deeper levels; school to support parents’ participation; willingness of parents to participate; 16

17 school heads’ willingness to recruit parents and community members for school tasks; listen to other people's viewpoints; share decision making; heads of the school to act as model in supporting for family and community involvement so as to influence the lower level; parents to show that they value education of their children 17

18 Ways that parents and grandparents might show their children that they value education Showing an interest in reading what their children learn in school; taking part in study groups; talking about educational issues with their children or teachers; paying attention to school matters; showing concern for child's progress; giving time to the school-classrooms or library. assisting their children and provide learning resources 18

19 becoming involved with parent-teacher organizations (PTO, PTA) which increases more interaction with teachers; parents having input into decisions that may affect their child's education; Effective parent involvement in school requires a comprehensive, well-planned partnership, give and take attitude, goal setting and regular follow up school 19

20 Barriers to successful parent involvement School negative perception about the ability of parents to engage in school affairs; Perception that parents don’t want to be involved; Families don’t know how to be involved; Parents hesitancy in involvement due to time constraints Parents belief that they are not welcome in school Communication break down 20

21 Existence of conflicts between teachers and head on one side and parents and teachers on the other side; schools lacking comprehensive plan and policy for involving parents; teachers don’t value parents involvement in schools by putting a limit on issues to be partnered; school head lacking knowledge and skills of involving parents. 21

22 Role of school Plan Provide guidance Initiate policy formulation Prepare conferences and meeting for parents Reach out to parents Organize types of linkages and network 22

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