U NIT 9 Level 2 Web Design. What does HTML stand for? HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it is the language used by all web pages. It consists.

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1 U NIT 9 Level 2 Web Design

2 What does HTML stand for? HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it is the language used by all web pages. It consists of a series of tags which tell the browser how to display any web page.

3 F ORMATTING WITH HTML 3 CD-ROMs CD-ROMS in computers, CD-ROM technology is a format and system for recording, storing, and retrieving electronic information on a compact disk that is read using an optical drive. A CD-ROM player or drive does not allow writing to the disk. A WORM (write once, read many) device is used to write information to a master disk from which CD-ROM disks are replicated.

4 T HE CODE LOOKS LIKE … How would you update the text from CD-ROM to DVD?

5 E SSENTIAL C ODE 5 What’s typed here shows in the window title bar Anything typed here, between the body tags, shows on your web page Notice that the code is divided into 2 sections the section and the section. Notice also that most tags are in pairs; a start tag and an end tag.

6 T O CREATE A WEB PAGE YOU NEED : A text editor – like notepad to write your code Once written you MUST save your file with a.HTM or.HTML extension A browser – like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, to view your webpage 6

7 S EE THE CODE FOR A WEBPAGE You can view the code on a web page by right clicking on the web page and choosing View Source. Look at the code for your favourite web page… 7

8 T ASK 1 – L EARN SOME BASIC HTML Using the HTML worksheets on Moodle, create your first HTML pages.

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