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Learning Styles & Learning Strategies: Identify your individual preferences for optimum learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles & Learning Strategies: Identify your individual preferences for optimum learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles & Learning Strategies: Identify your individual preferences for optimum learning.

2 YOUR LEARNING STYLE PREFERENCES: Visual Auditory Tactile /Kinesthetic Take a few minutes and complete: ◦ LEAD Survey ( Bridges to Excellence, p151)

3 Learning StyleLearning Strategy Innate preference Uses 5 senses How you best process info How you choose to learn or study Involves where, how long what techniques

4 Identify Learning Strategies In your Learning Community Team: Sort the Learning Strategies into 3 sets according to Learning Styles: Visual Auditory Tactile /Kinesthetic

5 VISUAL STRATEGIES Watch the instructor and take lecture notes. Draw out diagrams, charts or tables. Organize, rewrite, and highlight notes. Visualize words or facts to help memorize. Use an outline to organize information. Review notes often.

6 AUDITORY STRATEGIES Record lectures and listen to them several times Read notes and textbook material into a recorder Discuss concepts with others by participating in class discussions Join a study group List the steps of a task aloud. Read and repeat important points out loud. Explain what has been learned to other people.

7 TACTILE / KINESTHETIC STRATEGIES Memorize or drill while walking, pacing or exercising. Make lists or write things out several times. Use computers and hands-on study aids. Learn by doing and practicing, or by role-playing. Get a study partner. Use flash cards to organize facts and information. Participate in discussions and ask questions.

8 Practical Application In your Learning Community Teams, help each other complete your Learning Style / Learning Strategy Work Sheets

9 HISTORY LECTURE CLASS List learning strategies for each of the learning styles which could help you learn more effectively Visual Auditory Tactile /Kinesthetic

10 MATH CLASS CLASS & HOMEWORK List learning strategies for each of the learning styles which could help you learn more effectively Visual Auditory Tactile /Kinesthetic

11 SCIENCE CLASS LECTURE & LAB List learning strategies for each of the learning styles which could help you learn more effectively Visual Auditory Tactile /Kinesthetic

12 ENGLISH / WRITING CLASS List learning strategies for each of the learning styles which could help you learn more effectively Visual Auditory Tactile /Kinesthetic

13 Effective College Learners: Use their learning style strengths with related strategies. and Practice strategies using their less favored learning styles.

14 Successful College Students: Those who use all of the learning styles Learn Faster Remember Longer

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