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Kiev (Ukraine) / 27 January 2016 Giuseppe Russo / Senior Project Officer Department B: Safety and Standards TRACECA II Project 2nd Project Steering Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Kiev (Ukraine) / 27 January 2016 Giuseppe Russo / Senior Project Officer Department B: Safety and Standards TRACECA II Project 2nd Project Steering Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kiev (Ukraine) / 27 January 2016 Giuseppe Russo / Senior Project Officer Department B: Safety and Standards TRACECA II Project 2nd Project Steering Committee

2 Forthcoming project Start on 2017 4-year duration Building on the results of previous SAFEMED projects. Wide coordination with other EU projects and larger participation of Member States and beneficiaries’ experts. 2

3 Forthcoming project Project’s beneficiaries 1.Azerbaijan 2.Georgia 3.Kazakhstan 4.Republic of Moldova 5.Ukraine 6.Turkey 7.Turkmenistan 3

4 Forthcoming project Activities 1.Flag State 2.Port State 3.Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information systems 4.Protection of the marine environment 5.Human Element 6.Security of ships and port facilities 7.Bilateral activities 4

5 Project’s activities Activity 1 : Flag State The activities will concentrate on the following major aspects of flag State implementation: delegation of tasks to Recognized Organizations (RO); monitoring of ROs’ activities carried out on behalf of the Flag State; monitoring fleet performance; accident investigation. 5

6 Project’s activities Activity 2 : Port State Control The activities will concentrate on the following aspects: Provision of updated Rule-check and Distant Learning tools for PSCOs; Proposal for a “mandatory training scheme” for BSMoU PSCOs; Exchange of experience and harmonisation of inspections between PSC regions; Organisation of seminars, tutoring project and exchange programmes; Cooperation between Caspian Sea countries in the field of PSC. 6

7 Project’s activities Activity 3 : Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information systems The activities will concentrate on the following aspects: Enhancing the national AIS networks; Sharing information between beneficiaries; Sharing information between beneficiaries and selected EU MSs; Provision of SAT-AIS information to top-up the shared AIS information and the CSN images. 7

8 Project’s activities Activity 4 : Protection of the marine environment The activities will concentrate on the following aspects: provision of technical assistance in the field of air emission including the development of a dedicated information system to serve as a platform to record and exchange information on ships’ inspection under MARPOL Annex VI; assistance to give proper and complete implementation to the: Hong Kong Convention; Ballast Water management Convention assistance to implement principles/methods of the port facilities directive including a system of notification by the vessels to the next port 8

9 Project’s activities Activity 4 : Protection of the marine environment The activities will concentrate on the following aspects: Provision of CleanSeaNet services through the EMSA’s IMDatE; Familiarisation with the EMSA’s pollution response services and their activation 9

10 Project’s activities Activity 5 : Human Element The activities will concentrate on providing technical assistance with the implementation of the: Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; STCW Convention on minimum standards of training for seafarers 10

11 Project’s activities Activity 6: Security of ships and port facilities The activities will concentrate on providing technical assistance with the implementation of the: Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; STCW Convention on minimum standards of training for seafarers 11

12 Project’s activities Activity 7: Bilateral activities To take into account the different beneficiaries’ characteristics. Identified by analysing the outcome of the regional actions implemented as well as on the basis of specific requests coming from the beneficiaries. 12

13 Conclusions Challenges - Problems to solve Bureaucracy that can delay the implementation of actions Lack of commitment Insufficient human and financial resources Lack of coordination between projects 13

14 Conclusions What is needed to achieve our common objectives? Work together – cooperation ●Reliable focal points ●Support to identify areas to be addressed ●Support to identify solution fitting with country organisation ●To make good use of the assistance provided EMSA is looking forward to work with beneficiary countries 14

15 Questions?

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