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Marriage. 1.Traditional attitudes towards marriage is changing. 2.The change after marriage.

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage. 1.Traditional attitudes towards marriage is changing. 2.The change after marriage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage

2 1.Traditional attitudes towards marriage is changing. 2.The change after marriage

3 Traditional attitudes towards marriage is changing. Marriage is the grave of love. 婚姻是爱情的坟墓。 1.Free love leads people to have a free marriage. ❤ Several years ago controlled by parent Arranged marriage,Belly marriage ❤ Now married just because love

4 2. Traditional marriage is effected by foreign culture. ❤ In old history:closed culture 封闭的文化 ❤ Now:Open mind 开放的思想 e.g. Fairy tale Sleeping beauty Cinderella

5 3. At present, everyone is equal in a marriage. ❤ In old history: Men usually wear the trousers at home. ( 在中国,男人通常是一家之主。 ) ❤ At present : everyone is equal Women is more confident and independent.


7 结婚前 他:万岁!终于到来了!我都等不 及了! 她:我可以离开吗? 他:不,你甚至想都别想! 她:你爱我吗? 他:当然! 她:你会背叛我吗? 他:不会,你怎么会有这样想法? 她:你会吻我吗? 他:会的 她:你会打我吗? 他:无论如何都不 她:我能相信你吗? 结婚后 她:我能相信你吗? 他:无论如何都不 她 : 你会打我吗? 他:会的 她:你会吻我吗? 他:不会,你怎么会有这样的想 法 她:你会背叛我吗? 他:当然 她:你爱我吗? 他:不,你甚至都别想 她:我可以离开吗? 他:万岁,终于到来了,我都等 不及了

8 we call it love affair The person whom in love called lovers, they consider mostly emotional level Girlfriend is most important Good temper Have many topic to communicate Have nothing to worry about At premarital

9 love become into a family Called wife and husband, they consider mostly about their daily life Wife is less important Husband become bad tempered Have nothing to say,lying,tired Worry about many things Husband go back home later and later, many men have a lover outdoors After marriage

10 Divorce

11 Ten highest divorce rate city: 1.Beijing - 39% 2.Shanghai - 38% 3.Shenzhen - 36.25% 4.Guangzhou - 35% 5.Xiamen - 34.9% 6.Taipei - 34.8% 7.Hongkong - 33.8% 8.Dalian - 31% 9.Harbin - 29% 10.Hangzhou - 28% Nowadays, divorce seems to become a common social phenomenon --- especially popular in recent years


13 Can't resist the temptation Become richer than before Economy problems Changed concept and absence of Responsibility Lack of communication Tired of living in the present The flash marriage

14 Who is the biggest victim in divorce? The man ? Or the woman?

15 A recent survey highlighted the fact that women tend to fare much better than men after divorce. The survey revealed that men suffer far more in emotional terms than women — and are much more likely to let themselves go and not eat properly. In the year after divorce, 48 percent of men describe themselves as feeling ‘very lonely’, compared with just 35 percent of women.

16 Women, the survey stated, find it much easier to ‘move on’ and leave the past behind, and have a far wider emotional support network of friends Men, on the other hand, find it much harder to express how they feel, and are often much more bitter about the split than women. They seem to find it harder to let go of the past.

17 The end of love is not a good reason to ask for divorce, because marriage is not just about love. Instead, it is an agreement between the husband and the wife that they are willing to be responsible for each other and are happy to form a family together.

18 The biggest victim of divorce is child. According to a research, more than a third of the children from separate families were experiencing moderate or severe depression. The research also shows that girls in single-parent families are at risk for teenage marriage, premarital birth, and divorce. Besides, children in disrupted families are nearly twice likely to drop out of high school, boys are more prone to violent behavior. However, children are innocent, they shouldn’t be sacrificed for the divorce.

19 201207130418 郭春 丽 201207130420 吴映瑶 201207130431 冯 羽 201207130432 黄金花

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