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Spring 2-Growth and Change Foundation Stage 2. English In English we will be looking at the texts ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘The Enormous Turnip’

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2-Growth and Change Foundation Stage 2. English In English we will be looking at the texts ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘The Enormous Turnip’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2-Growth and Change Foundation Stage 2

2 English In English we will be looking at the texts ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘The Enormous Turnip’ We will be making story maps to help us to retell the stories and learn story language such as suddenly, after that, one day etc. We will create our own versions of the popular stories.

3 We will be working on our writing by… developing our skills of writing sentences in meaningful contexts using the sounds we have learnt in phonics. learning how to use finger spaces using full stops at the end of sentences learning how to use capital letters.

4 It’s only words We will be learning lots of new words relating to our topic and the books that we read such as delicate, fragile, transform, slithering, crawling etc. We will explore the meaning of these new words and use them in real life contexts. We will be learning how to use these words in our writing. -

5 Handwriting We will continue to work on our handwriting learning how to form our letters correctly. We will look at line guides and how to use them. We will practise the size and orientation of our letters on the line guide.

6 Letterland In letterland we will be learning to recognise all of the phase 3 sounds. Sh, ch, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ow, ar, or, ur, oi, ear, air, er. We will be learning how to read and write words containing these sounds. We will learn some more tricky words

7 Maths In maths we will be continuing to develop our knowledge and understanding of numbers to 20 and beyond. We will be learning how to find the number that is one more or one less than a number We will move on to looking at adding and subtracting using objects, number lines and by counting on and back.

8 We will be exploring the size and weight of objects and learning how to use comparative language.

9 Topic We have live caterpillars in the classroom to watch how they transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly and the different changes they go through. We will be learning how to look after and care for living things. We will be planting our own flowers and vegetables and looking at how they grow and change over time.

10 We will look at events we celebrate and why e.g. Mother’s day and Easter. We will explore how different people celebrate things differently.

11 PE We will continue to work on getting dressed and undressed independently. We will look at different ways of moving We will learn how to travel over different apparatus in different ways.

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