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The GEM Proto-Collaboration (“GEMs for CMS”) Marcus Hohlmann, Florida Tech Interim Chair of Proto-Collaboration Board 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon.

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Presentation on theme: "The GEM Proto-Collaboration (“GEMs for CMS”) Marcus Hohlmann, Florida Tech Interim Chair of Proto-Collaboration Board 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GEM Proto-Collaboration (“GEMs for CMS”) Marcus Hohlmann, Florida Tech Interim Chair of Proto-Collaboration Board 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors CERN, June 24, 2011

2 Overview Timeline so far Current organizational structure Collaboration issues –Conferences & Publications (author list) –Manpower needs & Engaging collaborators –Meetings Regular technical meetings CMS weeks Collaboration / Institution Board –Funding 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 2

3 Collaboration Timeline March 28, 2011 Constitutional meeting of institutional team leaders during CMS week and formation of proto-collaboration April 2011 Internal approvals of: –organizational structure –name “GEM Collaboration (GEMs for CMS)” (to evolve into “CMS GEM Collaboration” if approved by CMS) –common fund to cover operating costs Initial author list assembled May 2011 –Formal letter sent to CMS management notifying of formation of proto- collaboration; acknowledged by CMS CB chair, T. Rodrigo (May 5) –Integration of talks by GEM Collaboration into CMS CINCO approval system for conference contributions 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 3

4 Current Collaboration The GEM collaboration currently comprises –76 collaborators (see author list on GEM coll. twiki)twiki –15 institutions Bari (INFN & Univ.), Beijing, Bhubaneswar (NISER), CERN, Delhi, Florida Tech, Frascati, Gent, Islamabad (NCP), Kolkata, Mumbai (BARC & TIFR), Napoli, INFN Pisa/Siena, Warsaw, and Wayne State – 7 countries (plus CERN) Belgium, China, CERN, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, USA Additional groups are interested in joining: –ULB Brussels, Belgium (Gilles De Lentdecker) –Tsinghua U., China (Chunhua Jian) –2 nd group (instrumentation) from BARC, India (Abhijit Bhattacharyya) –Panjab U., India (Jasbir B. Singh) –KODEL, Seoul, Korea (Sung Park) 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 4

5 Organizational Structure 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 5 Interim Test Beam Coordinator Stefano Colafranceschi Interim Test Beam Coordinator Stefano Colafranceschi Interim Data Analysis Coordinator S. Colafranceschi / W. Li Interim Data Analysis Coordinator S. Colafranceschi / W. Li Interim Electronics Coordinator Paul Aspell Interim Electronics Coordinator Paul Aspell … Interim Physics/Simulation Coordinator M. Maggi / T. Moulik Interim Physics/Simulation Coordinator M. Maggi / T. Moulik Collaboration / Institution Board Interim Detector Coordinator A. Sharma / A. Marinov Interim Detector Coordinator A. Sharma / A. Marinov Interim Software Coordinator Marcello Maggi Interim Software Coordinator Marcello Maggi Interim Project Manager Archana Sharma, CERN Interim Deputy Michael Tytgat, Gent Interim Project Manager Archana Sharma, CERN Interim Deputy Michael Tytgat, Gent Institutions: Bari (INFN & Univ.), Beijing, CERN, U. Delhi, Florida Tech, Frascati, Gent, Kolkata, Napoli, Mumbai (BARC & TIFR), NCP (Pakistan), NISER (India), INFN Pisa/Siena, Wayne State, and Warsaw (currently 15 institutions with 76 collaborators) Interim CB/IB Chair:Marcus Hohlmann, Florida Tech Interim Deputy Chair: Duccio Abbaneo, CERN Interim Publications & Conf. Board Stefano Bianco, Frascati Marcus Hohlmann, Florida Tech Interim Resource Manager Michael Tytgat, Gent Interim Resource Manager Michael Tytgat, Gent Interim CMS Trigger Liaison Karol Bunkowski Interim CMS Trigger Liaison Karol Bunkowski

6 Publications 2010 –Characterization of GEM Detectors for Application in the CMS Muon Detection System 2010 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 1416-1422; RD51 Note 2010-005; arXiv:1012.3675v1Characterization of GEM Detectors for Application in the CMS Muon Detection System –Construction of the first full-size GEM-based prototype for the CMS high-eta muon system 2010 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 1909-1913; RD51 Note 2010-008; arXiv:1012.1524v2Construction of the first full-size GEM-based prototype for the CMS high-eta muon system –Gas Flow Simulations for Gaseous Detectors 2010 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 1454-1456; RD51 Note 2010-009Gas Flow Simulations for Gaseous Detectors 2011: –Thermal Stretching of Large-Area GEM Foils Using an Infrared Heating Method;Thermal Stretching of Large-Area GEM Foils Using an Infrared Heating Method RD51 Note 2011-004 –Planned publications: Proc. 2011 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Valencia, Spain (Oct 2011) –Construction and Performance of Large-Area Triple-GEM Prototypes for Future Upgrades of the CMS Forward Muon System –Test beam results of the GE1/1 prototype for CMS high-eta muon system future upgrade possibly others ? 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 6

7 Conference Contributions 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 7 2011: ANIMMA 2011: The Second International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, 6-9 June, 2011, Gent, Belgium Characterization of a Full-Size Triple-GEM Prototype for the CMS Muon Detection System, Andrey Marinov (abstract, talk)talk TIPP 2011: Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics, 9-14 June 2011, Chicago, IL, USA 1. Performance of a Large-Area Triple-GEM Detector in a Particle Beam, Paul E. Karchin (abstract, talk)abstract 2. Simulation of a Triple-GEM detector for a potential CMS muon tracking and trigger upgrade, Tania Moulik (abstract, talk)abstracttalk EPS-HEP 2011: EPS High Energy Physics Conference, 21-27 Jul 2011, Grenoble, Isère, France 1. Performance studies of large-area triple-GEM prototypes for future upgrades of the CMS forward muon system, Salvatore Tupputi (abstract, talk accepted)abstract 2. Possibly a poster on advanced construction techniques for GEM detectors (tbc), Michal Zientek MPGD 2011: 2 nd International Conference on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors, 29 Aug-1Sep 2011, Kobe University, Japan 1. An overview on the design, construction and performance of large area triple-GEM prototypes for future upgrades of the CMS forward muon system, Archana Sharma (abstract, talk accepted)abstract 2.Test Beam Performance of Triple-GEM Prototypes for the Upgrade of the CMS Muon System in the Forward Region, Michael Tytgat (abstract, poster accepted)abstract ICATPP 2011: 3 rd Int’l Conference on on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics: Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, and Detectors for Physics Applications, 3-7 Oct 2011, Como, Italy 1. A dedicated beam test for the full scale GEMs for CMS prototype in a strong magnetic field, Michal Zientek (tbc). 2.Title to be announced, Stefano Colafranceschi (tbc) 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 23-29 October 2011, Valencia, Spain 1. Construction and Performance of Large-Area Triple-GEM Prototypes for Future Upgrades of the CMS Forward Muon System, Michael Tytgat (abstract, talk tbc)abstract 2.Test beam results of the GE1/1 prototype for CMS high-eta muon system future upgrade, Stefano Colafranceschi (abstract, tbc)abstract  Good cross section of speakers from pool of currently active collaborators

8 Manpower Issues Even though the collaboration comprises ~80 people, much of the work is currently shouldered by a relatively small group of people. They are the ones that also participate regularly in the weekly technical working meetings. We need to engage all collaborators actively: –Task coordinators to identify specific tasks and manpower needs –Team leaders to identify expertise and interest of their team members (ongoing) –Match needs with human resources (CB with task coordinators and team leaders) and assign people to working groups 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 8

9 Meetings Weekly technical working meetings (ongoing): –Detector R&D meeting, Tuesdays, 14:00 CET –Electronics R&D meeting, Thursdays, 14:00 CET –Trigger issues covered in CMS trigger upgrade meetings CMS weeks –Plan on having regular technical meetings of the GEM collaboration at all future CMS weeks –Also have a CB/IB meeting at every CMS week, e.g. at the end of the technical meeting 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 9

10 Funding In 2011, collaboration is “self-funding” with 3,000 SFr contributions to a common fund from each institution (cash or in-kind). This covers cost for prototype development and summer test beam effort The next steps towards more solid funding are –Produce Technical Proposal –Get approval by CMS as official upgrade project –Approach various national funding agencies for project funding For details, see Michael Tytgat’s talk (next) 6/24/2011 M. Hohlmann, 2 nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN 10

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