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Planning for an uncertain future Wills and Estate Planning Sorry it’s a little morbid but not a bad thing to have thought about.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for an uncertain future Wills and Estate Planning Sorry it’s a little morbid but not a bad thing to have thought about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for an uncertain future Wills and Estate Planning Sorry it’s a little morbid but not a bad thing to have thought about.

2 Do you have any children or pets? Who would take care of them? ____________________________

3 Do you have anything of value? NEXT SLIDE

4 Any nice jewelry? Who would want or appreciate them? Solid gold or silver What is it? Who gets it? Any with jewels What is it? Who gets it? Any sentimental but cheap jewelry What is it? Who gets it?

5 Any vehicles, or sport utility vehicles? Who should get them or be responsible for selling/paying off what you owe? –Paid off : –Vehicles still paying on:

6 How about collectibles? Who would want or appreciate them most? –Comic Books, Baseball cards,, famous autographs, CD or vinyl Collections –Antique or special collectible toys, Game consoles and games –Guns, Sports equipment, Musical instruments

7 Family heirlooms that you were given? Who is the next in line rightful person that these items should go to? (A brother, aunt, or cousin?) –Handmade quilt, etc –Old shot guns –Furniture (trunk or rocking chair) –Keepsake types of jewelry, grandpa’s watch, grandmother’s necklace or wedding ring

8 If you ever get really sick…. Who would you choose to have your Powers of Attorney (could be someone other than parents) to make decisions in your behalf? Financial POA: Health Care POA:

9 Living Will? Having a living will means you do not want to be kept alive by artificial means if it looks like you won’t recover to a fully functioning life. Do you want to have living will?

10 Organ Donations? Do you want to be an organ donor? This is a decision that is best made while you are healthy… Your family may not be able to deal with it if you don’t. This is also something you can add any time you feel moved. The organs go to transplant recipients and can save multiple lives.

11 Any favorite charities? If your stuff is sold or given away would you want any particular person or charity to get the proceeds (after any bills are paid?)

12 Funeral Arrangements First consider the 2 categories this decision deals with: You Your Family & Friends

13 What should happen to you? Burial or cremation? If cremation (scattering off a big mountain or pretty urn?) If burial where?

14 If you have a picture or an open casket do you want to look…. Dressed up or casual?

15 The Memorial &/or Funeral Services Funeral or Memorial? (Memorial is usually a week or so after the burial and can be lighter but might leave the family feeling more alone at the time of the burial.) Where? Separate receiving and funeral services or 1 joint service with the receiving an hour before the funeral?

16 The service… Any special music? Hymns, Favorite songs, types of songs (put your list of 10 here): Speakers: (personal stories or preaching)

17 Pallbearers (6) / honorary pallbearers Pallbearers or honorary Pallbearers: There’s usually 6-8 pallbearers to carry or accompany the casket at a funeral. Numbers may vary. (Usually close friends or family.) You can also have honorary pallbearers if there is a special group that should take a place of honor.

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