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EBOLA OUTBREAK Anselmo Miguel Varela Kevin Gerardo Bernal.

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Presentation on theme: "EBOLA OUTBREAK Anselmo Miguel Varela Kevin Gerardo Bernal."— Presentation transcript:

1 EBOLA OUTBREAK Anselmo Miguel Varela Kevin Gerardo Bernal


3 Mario is the healthy agent they have a change of getting infected and turn into the slugs (infected) The Slugs are the infected agent they can infect the Mario's. When the Mario's get infected and go to the hospital they have a 50 50 change of dying or turning immune. Wario Is the immune agent, wario appears if the agent with Ebola survives. If the infected agent survives it turns immune which in this case turns the infected agent into a wario.

4 Run-time- forever The agents move. If a person carrying Ebola (a slug) can have 2% out of 100 can get Ebola. Only 50% of the healthy that got infected by Ebola they run to the hospital and get cured.

5 Monitors On the game on the button it has buttons. The first button is the monitor that numbers count the healthy, the immune, and the ill.

6 Slider This button is a slider. The slider adds how many people are in the population.






12 Monitors count the number that stay healthy, become immune or die. An outbreak by definition was not a set number, it was when a unpredicted increase of infected cases occur; We saw this between 7 to 10 becoming infected. That is when the amount of agents dying stopped being linear. See DEAD graph on poster board


14 Collisions The collisions are based on our research– we found out from the CDC website that an infected person in Africa will infect 2 people before they die. The research also showed that 50% of the people that have Ebola die and the other 50% become immune. The hospital collision to set up coordinates of x-40 y-40 for the hospital at the outskirt of town. The hospital collision to set up coordinates of x-0 y-0 for the hospital at the center of town.

15 Centralized Hospital

16 Outskirt Hospital

17 Data for Hospital Placement Outskirt HospitalCentralized Hospital

18 Future Data There are now vaccinations made from immune people’s blood. These transfusions would decrease the death rate. We also based our population with 400. We could research every countries’ population and see if the “outbreak rates based on low and high population areas.

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