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Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation

2 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Global research, Local funding Research is now Global, whether competitive or collaborative... no boundaries But the funding is mostly local … at the country level –Some progress at the regional level in Europe (CERN, EMBO, EUC-Research,..) but not in Asia yet. –No inter-regional research organisation –Learning from the ITER negotiation drama No world-wide research coordination established A single project to be shared by several countries, but to be located in only one.

3 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation A Summit on Physics Well defined field, common needs, used to international cooperation –Physics often implies large scale infrastructures/networks  worldwide coordination is most needed Physics is multipronged: –Knowledge research: simpler for setting international project (no patents) –Elementary Physics processes are often at the basis of the other research field (chemistry, life/brain science, …) –Physics based instruments/detectors have provided major progress in other fields The financial crisis, environmental, energy and health issues are global matters –They call for more basic/applied research (where physics plays a major role). –They need therefore global endeavours, but no international coordination yet exist (cf. stimuli plans)

4 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Research, Funding and Industry The three mandatory research partners Very little communication organised at the country level, almost none at the regional or global level Need to find ways to merge the top-down and bottom-up policies. –The Society needs –The basic science needs, –The country level and global strategies

5 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation So that Global projects can be initiated and run successfully Europe Asia America To balance Physics Research cooperation among the 3 main regions An Asia-Europe initiative

6 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Weak Euro-Asia links

7 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation

8 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Europe Japan US Patents in co-invention (OECD 2007) 5 56 47 36 59 7 33 38 17 115 54 41 32 India 57 28 China 49 16 46 Korea 100 for a 3 regions perfect balance (assuming only 3 regions)

9 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Co-publications 2000-2006 (DG research, Thomson Scientific/SWTS, Leiden University) Euro-Asia 146959 0.45 US-Asia 170747 0.52 US-Euro 328172 1.0

10 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation To bridge the knowledge and digital gap Europe Asia America Involving Developing Countries in frontier international research projects is a Must Developing Countries

11 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation A challenge … Europe and Asia: many countries –More difficult than talking to 1 country –Different cultures –Different levels of development Need to invent new Research coordination/organisation –Setting up people network –New evaluation/decision system, not starting from scratch New funding system, new structures, … 3 communities that rarely meet: –Scientists –Policy and decision makers (funding agencies, government officials) –Industry leaders

12 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation …Worth the effort Building the XXI century research framework A first step toward global research governance Basic knowledge is the supreme “World Heritage”: the basis of mankind unity, universality, so we have to bridge the Knowledge gap A prototype: For a better understanding between people To establish a more balanced world To tackle major issues for the future of humanity like world governance We are making History…

13 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation End of ASEPS Motivations ….

14 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation ASEPS Hosted by Japan, March 24-26, 2010 Informative, Pedagogical and Practical To discuss cooperation and strategies on scientific projects and large scale infrastructures. To identify common interest on roadmap items (ESFRI 44 projects (30B€, country level projects, …) –Setup working groups to study cross-support To setup a framework to support the cooperation human resources: ASEPS Foundation Participants: Scientists, Government, Research Organization decision makers and Industry leaders All Euro-Asia Countries including Russia Physics Societies are strongly Involved EPS, AAPPS, JPS, SFP,…. Co-organization: CNRS-CEA(France) + JSPS(Japan) + … In cooperation with EU S&T Commission – EuroHORCs- AsiaHORCsEuroHORCs- AsiaHORCs (Head Of Research Councils) contacted

15 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Physics supports Science Innovation Knowledge Research Theoretical Physics: Grand unification of the fundamental forces, impact on other sciences (i.e. String theory approaches in biology) Astrophysics, cosmology : The new vision of the Universe Particle Physics: New acceleration and detection technologies: the next 20 years roadmap; The next large world-wide project: technical, industrial, financial, management and political challenges; R&D infrastructures and projects sharing Nuclear Physics: large scale equipments sharing and projects complementarities: GANIL, GSI, J-PARC, RIKEN,.. Social and Human Sciences : Global archived document scanning and storing; Open access initiative; New Materials Nano-materials : R&D and technology platforms sharing and coordination (Minatec, NIMS, AIST,..) Superconductivity : High Tc materials: coordination of a global material screening Characterization: Synchrotron radiation, FEL and XFEL, Neutron sources, very high magnetic fields…: Matter (from plasma to bio-cells) at atomic scales and fento-second resolution, … Biomedical Neuro-physics : Neurospin (brain studies) Modelization, Simulation of diagnosis equipments Hadron-therapy: irradiation doses precise estimation through simulation High-speed alert network system based on the GRID for virus (avian flu) or tsunami: coordination and systems interoperability; Global endeavor on drug screening and discovery, … Bioinformatics …

16 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Environment Energy saving with new materials, optoelectronics devices,: Global heating : geophysics, atmosphere and marine physics new needed measurements and simulation (supercomputers, GRID). Physics to solve pollution or environmental destruction issues Space Space physics: Common management of launchers from ESA, Russia, China, Japan, India, … for physics projects in space. Energy Sustainable energies Fusion ITER and other approaches (laser or ion beams) Information and communication Data Grid Nano-electronics, quantum computer: beyond the Moore law Robotics : help to the person, work in hostile environment …

17 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Euro-Asia Physics Foundation “Innovation in Experimental and Theoretical Physics” Support: - Researcher exchanges (short and long term visit, post-doc program) - Training schools especially in the developing countries in a multi-lateral teaching/support approach. - Joint laboratories hosted by the main research organizations or universities coordinated in a global network. Supported by public and private organizations - World Physics Centers: At the frontier of physics research gathering theorists and experimentalists on joint projects in a global network. Wiki: Official Web: email: aseps@kek.jphttp://aseps.in2p3.fr Supporting International Cooperation Contribute to: - Research infrastructures in the developing countries (i.e. linac in Vietnam, GRID in ASEAN countries, …) - Participation of the developing countries to the large scale international projects (LHC, ILC, space science, mesophysics, …)

18 Kickoff meeting SJTU, July 24 th, 2009 Denis Perret-Gallix IN2P3-CNRS Asia-Pacific Cooperation Overview World economies and our own quality of life are bound to innovation. Basic research often induces changes of civilization; creates new industry But Basic research is now global. International cooperation is a necessity (large infrastructures) and a must (against the knowledge divide). Asia - North-America – Europe (Russia) form the basis for any world- wide project.  One must reinforce the Europe-Asia cooperation to have a balanced and stable basis for the foundation of world-wide projects.  The Asia-Euro Physics Summit is a first step in this direction

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