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 Please title your notes: Classical Rome  Divide one page in your notebook into sections, label those sections: Politics and Science & Culture.

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2  Please title your notes: Classical Rome  Divide one page in your notebook into sections, label those sections: Politics and Science & Culture

3  According to Roman mythology, twin brothers Romulus and Remus, were abandoned by their god and goddess parents.  The set in a woven basket and sent down the Tiber river to die, but they were protected the river deity Tiberinus.  They were raised by a she wolf  Eventually they decide to build a city but there is a dispute on where to build it  Romulus kills Remus and builds his city on Palatine hill…..this city is called….ROME!



6  Roman Republic 509 B.C.E Government made up of a king and elected Magistrates. Magistrates include; Consuls – Military Command Senators – Ranking Nobility The magistrates were initially made up of Patricians (elite) but was eventually open to the Plebians (public). Made decisions for Roman laws, foreign affairs, and the economy.

7  Julius Caesar  Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus form a triumvirate to take control of the Republic  Pompey’s wife (Caesar’s daughter) dies, Crassus is defeated in battle, Julius was victorious and declared dictator for life  Later he would be assassinated by the senators who once supported him – led by his enemies Cassius and Brutus

8  Mark Anthony and Caesar’s great- nephew, Octavian joined forces to take down Cassius and Brutus.  They were joined by Lepidus forming the second triumvirate of Rome  Eventually this triumvirate dissolves  Octavian is able to defeat Mark Anthony and his new lady, Cleopatra (they are so sad they commit suicide)

9  Augustus Caesar (Octavian)  Earns the title Augustus  First Emperor of Rome  Started what would eventually become 200 years of peace in the Roman empire  This time period is known as Pax Romana ( Roman Peace)

10 Roman Empire during the Reign of Octavian

11  12 Tables  The Roman Codec (book) of laws that governed Roman society  Punishments include; fine, fetters, retaliation in kind, civil disgrace, banishment, slavery and death

12  Republic – Roman Government that is very similar to our govt. in the U.S. Elected officials make decisions for the people.  Julius Caesar – Greatly expanded Rome. Declared dictator for life, only to be assassinated.  Octavian – Started 200 years of Pax Romana or Roman Peace  12 Tables – Roman codec of laws that defined crimes and punishments

13  Architecture  Raised water transportation system called aqueducts  Concrete  Arch Bridges  Baths  Harbors  Lighthouses  Famous examples…  The Coliseum  Leaning Tower  Tower of Hercules


15  Mathematics  Roman Numerals…  I =1  V=5  X=10  L = 50  C=100  M= 1000  Etc….  The way we add and subtract Roman Numerals…  If the smaller number is before the large number subtract.  If the smaller number is after the large number we add

16  First person to solve the equation gets NOTHING!  IIX – IV + XI = ?

17  15!

18  Culture…  Music  Education  Girls Sewing Spinning Weaving  Boys Reading Writing Physical Ed.  Clothing – Toga/Tunic

19  Gladiators  Slaves were made to fight in the Coliseum  Sometimes they would fight each other  Sometimes they were thrown in with Tigers, Lions, Bears…Oh my!

20  Science  Advancements in architecture and mathematics Roman Numerals Bridges Concrete Harbors Aqueducts  Culture  Valued education, art, literature, and violence… Boys educated in reading, writing, phys. Ed Girls educated in weaving, sewing, spinning Togas Gladiators Sculptures

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