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SURE START To Later Life. Ending inequalities For Older People “With a Little more help up stream the need for High Dependency support down stream can.

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Presentation on theme: "SURE START To Later Life. Ending inequalities For Older People “With a Little more help up stream the need for High Dependency support down stream can."— Presentation transcript:

1 SURE START To Later Life. Ending inequalities For Older People “With a Little more help up stream the need for High Dependency support down stream can be delayed” Malcolm Dean, The Guardian 2005

2 Facts There are approx. one million socially isolated elderly people living in England. Over 15% of people over 65 suffer from depression 750,000 people suffer from some form of dementia Poverty affects one in five older people

3 SURE START Following the success of The Sure Start Model For Children and Families, the Government are now piloting a similar project for older people. It will be community driven but professionally led

4 What Is Sure Start? A way of providing a holistic service through a multi agency approach – “A one stop shop” A service that aims at prevention rather than crisis intervention. Services that are flexible and proactive to ensure that they respond to individual needs. A service that works in partnership with the local community. Responds to both felt and expressed needs Brings services and access to information to the community enabling people to remain in their own homes.

5 Cornwall has the highest percentage per population of older people. Many of whom live in rural areas with little or no access to services. The geographical difficulties in Cornwall would necessitate that Sure Start models could respond countywide.

6 A Sure Start Model For Cornwall Community based centres with good access, with an identified high number of elderly residents. Establish clear links with the local community, identifying the services they would like. A Management Group with representatives from the local area.

7 Creative and innovative Services Provide opportunities for the wider community to meet, establish local support networks and promote community cohesion. Good links with local GP Surgeries To empower older people to become actively involved in the development of future services.

8 The county would need at least 4 Centres. Each of these centres would be staffed by a team of individuals with a range of skills, knowledge and experience. The centres would be responsible for recruiting and training staff and volunteers. These workers would have outreach roles to establish new groups and support existing groups in the more rural, isolated areas. Identifying and responding to individual needs through the Sure Start Partnership. For Example Benefits Advice Surgery, Transport Issues

9 Management Boards Each centre would be overseen by a Management Board. Membership of this board would include individuals from partner organisations, representatives from the local community and an independent chair. Other organisations could be invited to meetings to share information and identify joint initiatives.

10 An Holistic Approach Advocacy + Benefits advice Volunteering Social CareHealth Social Activities Transport Housing Carers Support Age Concern Befriending

11 Individuals often find it difficult to enter a service, partly due to lack of confidence or maybe admitting that they need support. It is essential that Sure Start works in partnership with local elderly residents to provide a wide range of services. This gives people a reason to come in and eventually they will receive all the services they might need.

12 Possible services Social opportunities – morning coffee, lunch club – cooking together, afternoon tea dances Access to learning, developing new interests, continuing an existing skill through courses, workshops, activity groups. Facilitating groups Exercise sessions, dance sessions I.T. sessions –, study on line, keep in touch with relatives. Volunteering opportunities Access to foot and hand care, hairdressing. Health, housing, benefits advice Support groups – carers, disability

13 Action Groups – addressing issues Games afternoons Bowls Arts + Crafts Theatre/ cinema trips Shopping trips Interest Groups – U3A Repair workshops Counselling Opportunities to share skills with younger people The services and activities offered would be developed in response to individuals living in that particular area.

14 A Community Resource The primary aims of Sure Start are to meet the needs of older people and promote Active Aging. I feel that this building could also be used to offer services to the wider community. A youth club/group during the evenings when it is not being used. In order to promote active aging, it is essential that services also attract the 50+. This would help to promote community ownership of the centre. Create more opportunities to remove generational boundaries

15 Supporting other Initiatives It is essential that Sure Start remain inclusive and establishes good links with other organisations to ensure that services are developed to meet the needs of the elderly. Shop / leisure mobility schemes Rural Cornwall Transport Partnership Links with accessibility Projects Credit Unions Older Peoples Forums

16 To promote the health and quality of life of our elderly population it is vital that they feel empowered and valued. The Sure Start Initiative provides new opportunities to work in partnership with older people. For older people to be recognised as individuals with skills, knowledge and life experiences that we can all learn from. By addressing social exclusion, communities will be more cohesive and local support networks will be established. Services should be a fence around the top of the cliff, not an ambulance at the bottom

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