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MEXICO SECTION 5. POLITICAL CHALLENGES AND CHANGING AGENDAS  1970s: Mexico was a leader among Third- world countries in improving trade and bargain agreements.

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2 POLITICAL CHALLENGES AND CHANGING AGENDAS  1970s: Mexico was a leader among Third- world countries in improving trade and bargain agreements with industrialized nations.  After NAFTA was passed, Mexico reaped the benefits of an interconnected international commerce economy, changing the way many see the role Mexico plays in the global community.  American/Western culture now has great influence on Mexico

3 IMMIGRATION TRANSITION  Mexicans first began moving to the United states in the late 19 th century  Revolution of 1910- Increased immigration  Bracero Program: U.S. allowed for more Mexican workers to provide the necessary manpower for strategic production. (ended 1964)  Seasonal migration  1986 Information Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

4 ISSUES WITH THE ECONOMY?  The inability of the Mexican economy to keep pace with entitlements and cost of living pushes many Mexicans to seek work in the US.  The 9/11 attacks only complicate migrant worker issues.  Emigration to the US is actually declining  Mexicans and los Maquiladoras -Industrial Empires – pollution is a large concern -The vulnerable Mexican Citizen -Foreign interaction does not advance technology and Mexican wages

5 CONCERNING ISSUES  Desires for Free speech, clean elections, and responsiveness of gov’t aid in the usurping of the PRI.  State institutions struggle to integrate Democratic ideals.  Political centralization prevents the solution of local and regional complications.  Poor social conditions remain.

6 HUMAN RIGHTS  In the past, the state was able to conceal repressive acts, keep political stability through a corrupt judiciary, and intimidate opposition.  Fox committed his administration to transparency and improving human rights in Mexico.  The results were dramatic, with new public awareness and new willingness to report abuses.

7 IMPROVING SOCIAL CONDITIONS  Solutions:  Create new jobs  Improve education  Many don’t believe conditions will improve equally

8 A DIVERSIFYING MEXICO  Religious and ethnic groups, along with women, are demanding better  The Catholic Church is declining  Women make up 32% of the labor force, but 40% of professional workers

9 CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE  Maintaining stability in an unpredictable political system  Responding to social problems  Adapting to increasing diversity  Drug War

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