COM 340 Lecture 8 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and National Culture.

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1 COM 340 Lecture 8 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and National Culture

2 COM 340 2  National level  Regional / Ethnic / Religious / Linguistic affiliation level  Gender level  Generation level  Social Class level  Organizational / Corporate level Levels of Culture

3 COM 340 3  Geert Hofstede (Dutch) - Well known for his work on “Four Dimensions of Cultural Variability.”  These include: Uncertainty Avoidance Power-Distance Masculinity-Femininity Individualism-Collectivism Quantity vs. Quality of Life Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Overview

4 COM 340 4  The extent to which a society feels threatened or is comfortable by uncertain and ambiguous situations.  STRONG Uncertainty Avoidance  WEAK Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty Avoidance

5 COM 340 5 Uncertainty Avoidance Dimension

6 COM 340 6  STRONG Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures Greece (1) Japan Chili PortugalPeruSpain Belgium FranceArgentina  Weak Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures Singapore (53)Hong Kong India Denmarkthe PhilippinesIreland Sweden Great BritainMalaysia United States (43) Uncertainty Avoidance (con’t)

7 COM 340 7  The extent to which the less powerful members of a society accept the fact that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally.  HIGH Power-Distance  LOW Power-Distance Power-Distance

8 COM 340 8 Power Distance Dimension

9 COM 340 9  HIGH Power-Distance cultures Malaysia (1)PhilippinesHong Kong MexicoSingaporeIndia VenezuelaFranceColumbia  LOW Power-Distance cultures Austria (53)NorwayNew Zealand IsraelIrelandFinland Denmark SwedenSwitzerland United States ranked 38 out of 53 countries. Power-Distance (con’t)

10 COM 340 10  The extent to which gender roles in a culture are expected and clearly defined.  “Masculine”  “Feminine” Masculinity-Femininity

11 COM 340 11  Masculine Cultures Japan (1)Mexico Great Britain Ireland Germany Switzerland Venezuela  Feminine Cultures Sweden (53)Finland the Netherlands Norway Chile Thailand DenmarkPortugal United States ranked 15 out of 53 countries. Masculinity-Femininity (con’t)

12 COM 340 12  The extent to which a society is loosely or tightly knit.  INDIVIDUALISTIC Emphasis on self versus social group  COLLECTIVISTIC Emphasis on social group Individualism-Collectivism

13 COM 340 13 Individualism Dimension

14 COM 340 14  INDIVIDUALISTIC cultures United States (1) Canada Italy Australia the Netherlands Belgium Great Britain New Zealand Denmark  COLLECTIVISTIC cultures Guatemala (53)ColumbiaSingapore Peru Taiwan Hong Kong Pakistan ThailandIndonesia Korea Japan ranked 22 out of 53 countries. Individualism-Collectivism (con’t)

15 COM 340 15 Quantity/Quality of Life  Emphasis on assertiveness & materialism versus relationships and leisure time

16 COM 340 16 Quality vs Quantity of Life Dimension (Masculinity vs Femininity)

17 COM 340 17 Cultural Dimensions Scores for 10 Countries

18 COM 340 18 Cultural Dimension Ratings a A weak quantity-of-life score is equivalent to a high quality-of-life score.

19 COM 340 19 The Position of 40 Countries on the Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance Scales

20 COM 340 20 The Position of 40 Countries on the Power Distance and Individualism Scales

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