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European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Business Strategies and Models for Spatial Data: Bruce McCormack President European.

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Presentation on theme: "European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Business Strategies and Models for Spatial Data: Bruce McCormack President European."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Business Strategies and Models for Spatial Data: Bruce McCormack President European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (EUROGI) Presentation at the EUROGI Extra Members Meeting Lisbon, 16 November 2012

2 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information STRUCTURE OF THE PRESENTATION Usage patterns User comments Concluding comments

3 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (background) Initiative of Dept Environment, Community and Local Government|: Ireland Launched 4 April 2012 An Irish national spatial planning information service Web pages & geobrowser Key aspects - putting available data sets together in an easy to use browser

4 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

5 (geobrowser data sets) Generalized Zone Types (LAs) Zoning (LAs) Plan images (LAs) Planning applications (LAs) Plan areas (LAs) Residential density Residential phasing (LAs) Address points (GeoDirectory) Unfinished housing (DoECLG) Schools (Dept Education and Science) National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (Dept Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht) National Monuments (Dept Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht) Indicative flooding (OPW) Designated areas (Dept Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht) Census (CSO) Boundaries (various) Reference mapping - topo map, orthoimagery, historical maps (OSi)

6 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (geobrowser functionalities) Layer control Find an address Find an area Identify all layer data relevant at a certain point Google Streetview Draw and measure Reporting tool which provides the areas of zones, number of address points by type in each zone etc Bookmark Print

7 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (data layer tool)

8 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (statutory zoning)

9 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (GZT zoning)

10 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (census)

11 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (find an address)

12 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (Google streetview)

13 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (data available at point tool)

14 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (drawing tool)

15 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (reporting tool)

16 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (data download tool)

17 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Usage patterns Currently about 400 – 600 users per work day About 75% are return visitors

18 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Comments (Snr. Planner in state housing agency) greater efficiency ‘It is clear that some of the background survey and analysis work that previously could have taken us days to gather and analyse, using significant manpower, could now through the Myplan project be assembled in a matter of a few minutes. It is a remarkable tool that should ensure greater efficiency of services in the public and private sectors - not just for planners, but for huge range of other professionals dealing with the land/land use, property, population, flood risk management, and environmental appraisal, including for example, property financers (banks), insurance companies, estate agents, administrators, engineers, service providers, etc.’

19 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Comment (Managing Director - large planning consultancy firm) ‘We estimate that for one project alone had the portal been in place three years ago we could have calculated in perhaps 30 minutes what we struggled to estimate in four working days, including trips to the planning authority’s offices’

20 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Comments (business investment advisor) “ is the very sort of technology tool that we need in Ireland to compete effectively for Foreign Direct Investment. We use this technology routinely in the US – and clients are used to seeing this sort of presentation. Well done!”

21 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Comments (environment consultant) ‘‘myplan’ website – love it!, it is great!, had a meeting the other day and introduced everyone there to it.. the Canadians, South Africans….. the Irish, we ended up using it for the rest of the meeting’

22 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information User Comments (planning consultant) Planning consultant ‘You are doing me out of business. What I could bill a client one and a half days for …. it can now be done in 20 minutes’ Response ‘No …. 20 seconds’

23 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Concluding comments ……. Saves time and resources & hence costs Makes certain tasks ‘doable’ Has provided a model for certain types of data aggregation for input into INSPIRE Uses existing data & current geotechnology …. Just puts it all together Not rocket science Key challenges Sorting out data … not system development Mindset change, current business processes change

24 European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information i m a g i ne Thank you

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