Chapter 19 Section 1 The rise of FDR. Franklin Roosevelt Grew up rich in New York College: Harvard Lawyer; Politician.

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1 Chapter 19 Section 1 The rise of FDR

2 Franklin Roosevelt Grew up rich in New York College: Harvard Lawyer; Politician

3 Liked outdoors: hunting, sailing, riding 1921 (42 years old) caught polio Paralyzing disease Could walk with braces with help

4 Eleanor Roosevelt FDR’s wife Kept his name popular while FDR was recovering from polio Most powerful 1 st lady of all time Worked to help poor, women minorities

5 Election of 1932 FDR (d) vs. Hoover (r) FDR extremely optimistic Promises a “new deal” for the public, wins in landslide

6 “Trickle Down” Vs. “Pump Priming” 2 Philosophies of Government Stimulation

7 FDR’s Pump Priming New Profits ↑ New Jobs ↑ Plant Expansion ↑ New Investment ↑ Increased Demand ↑ New Money in Circulation ↑ Relief Payments & Temporary Jobs on Gov’t Projects

8 Relief, Recovery, and Reform The New Deal’s 3 R’s

9 Relief Bank Holiday: Close every bank temporarily, have gov’t inspect banks to make sure they were good CCC: Gave nature jobs to men 18 – 25 FERA: Give money to states and towns to build public works WPA: built public works (roads, parks, airports etc…

10 Recovery AAA: pay farmers not to grow crops NIRA: Set minimum wages, shortened hours, made unions legal HOLC: bought home mortgages, allowed a cheaper payment TVA: built dams, spread electricity to the Tennessee Valley Region

11 Reform SEC: regulate stock market, prevent fraud FDIC: insurance for money in bank up to $100,000 Social Security: provide benefits to retired, disabled people NLRB: Allows workers to join unions

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