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 Design is considered the unnoticed element of filmmaking  It is concerned with creating the look and feel of the film.

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Presentation on theme: " Design is considered the unnoticed element of filmmaking  It is concerned with creating the look and feel of the film."— Presentation transcript:


2  Design is considered the unnoticed element of filmmaking  It is concerned with creating the look and feel of the film

3  In early silent films, actors performed in front of large, painted backdrops  This was reminiscent of how theater is designed   However, soon silent films began to use more ornate sets  In the early ‘20s, specialists were brought in to enhance the set and the lighting  

4  As the Hollywood studio system developed, the art director was responsible for designing and constructing sets and would supervise the gathering of props  However, with the demise of that system and the move to increasing work on location, the art director became the Production Designer  (Roman Holiday)

5  The Production Designer  They are the artist who conceives and executes the entire look of the film  They supervise the design and construction of sets  Any rooms or buildings that are built in a film studio, on the studio lot, or another location used for a specific use in the film  They choose locations and redress them to meet the needs of the particular film  Any area not in the studio

6  Design the Costumes  Any clothing or accessory worn by an actor  A costume design can say a lot about who a character is  For example, a costume change can signify a change in the character  Designs the makeup  The use of makeup design will delineate physical features of a character  Stars will want makeup to glamorize and enhance their features  Character actors will appreciate makeup to obscure their features

7  They will work closely with the director of photography to make sure the lighting works with their creations  There may be specialists in each area that work with the production designer  However, the production designer makes sure everything stays unified, authentic, and accurate  (RotK)

8  All film designs follow basic elements  As with all artistic mediums, there will be exceptions to all these rules, however we will focus on the norm.

9  1. Line: Give definition to forms found in the film  The most important element  In general, there are 2 types of line  Straight and Curved  Within straight there are Vertical, Horizontal, and Angled  Vertical: Give a sense of Rigidity, Tension, or Impending Action  Horizontal: Suggest Balance, Tranquility, and Stability  Angled: Show Confusion or Instability

10  1. Line  Curved: Suggest Softness, Flexibility, Peace, and Harmony

11  What do you see in each costume?

12  2. Shape: Concerned with the forms that are found in the characters environment  Closely related to line  These can be Triangles, Squares, or Circles  Squares: Are for Rigidity and Tension  Triangles: Are for Dynamic Forces or Instability  Circles: Are for Flexibility, Harmony, and Peace

13  2. Shape  Let’s look at the how each character travels, what do you see?

14  3. Color: This deals with the hue and intesnsity of the colors used  Hue: The actual color  Intensity: The shade of the color used  Color can be used to say something about the character, to create mood, or to give a sense of time period

15  3. Color  Bright Colors: Reds or Fluorescents  Used to convey modern times  Vibrant qualities  Enthusiasm  Power  Light Blue specifically is used to show honesty, integrity, and the heroin or hero

16  3. Color  Warm Colors: Earth Tones  Show Love  Affection  Acceptance  Peace  Past time periods

17  3. Color  Cold Colors: Dark Hues and Tones, Black  Shows Distain  Fridgidity  Instability  Depression  Coldness  Times of Natural Oppression (night time, winter, the Renaissance)

18  3. Color  Let’s look back at the costumes…

19  4. Texture: The treatment of the surface  Can be applied to costumes, makeup, and set surfaces  They may be Smooth and Shiny or Rough and Dull

20  4. Texture  Smooth/Shiny:  Sophistication  Harmony  Equality  Future or Present Times  Rough/Dull:  Oppression  Blunt Nature  Bad/Evil Characters  Past Times

21  4. Texture  What differences do you see texture wise?

22  5. Dimension: How big or small something appears  Can either be in contrast with the rest of the set or how big it appears on screen  The bigger something looks the more important it is

23  6. Repetition: The use of multiple elements into one piece of design  The process of repeating elements creates a strong thread of symbolism that helps the audience understand the intentions of the characters and action

24  How many elements do you see in each character/environment?


26  (Wizard of Oz)  (Alice)  (Lincoln)  (Jane Eyre)  (Hugo)  (Life of Pi)  (War Horse)  (Midnight Paris)  (Gravity)  (Raiders)  (2001: Space)

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